
I am Trying to install visaulstudio2010 and sqlserver2008 in my lenovo laptop. I am having windows7 home premium on my machine.

I have installed first sqlserver. installation done successfull but installed Partially means sqlserver management studio not installed.

1) Please let me know what should i install first. sqlserver2008 or VS2010.

2) how to remove the sqlserver from machine completely with instances also.

3) what is the sequence to install both VS and sqlserver.


As far as i know...Visual studio comes with a compact version of SQL server which lets you do database management from within code. If you want the management studio you need to get the whole SQL Server package. It shouldn't matter which one you install first,

hey friend you can install sql and .net 10 easily ,but if you have any problem to installation so please remove all .net and sql instalation from control pannel's add aor remove and then reinstall with origional cd........

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