I am trying to process an array to get variable name and its value. below is the code.

$s = explode("&",$mine);
foreach($s as $k=>$v){

The prolem is that the array repeats itself in output. as shown(look at it keenly):

Array ( [APIresult] => 000;APIresultexplnation [000;APIresultexplnation] => Transaction Created;TransactionToken [Transaction Created;TransactionToken] => 79A9DC2A-622B-4334-B610-001F4976C6C0 [79A9DC2A-622B-4334-B610-001F4976C6C0] => )

I want it give variable and value e.g [APIresult] => 000;TransactionToken => 79A9DC2A-622B-4334-B610-001F4976C6C0. The response i.e original string is this:

APIresult=000;APIresultexplnation=Transaction Created;TransactionToken=D2AB45E4-1DE7-4828-96CA-3A884697109A

This is a response from a third party API. How can i get round this because i want to get the result for each variable for easy processing.

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The response i.e original string is this:

APIresult=000;APIresultexplnation=Transaction Created;TransactionToken=D2AB45E4-1DE7-4828-96CA-3A884697109A

I'm sure there's a more concise way of putting it, but this seems to work for the string you mentioned:

$str = "APIresult=000;APIresultexplnation=Transaction Created;TransactionToken=D2AB45E4-1DE7-4828-96CA-3A884697109A";
$r = explode(";",$str);
foreach($r as $i){
    $bits = explode("=",$i);
    $array[$bits[0]] = $bits[1];        

You could roll this up inside a function or class method if you needed to.

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