Hi guys, this is like a continuation from previously coding that i've posted here in this forum. Now, when I'm tried installed it at Windows 2000 platform, with 128MB RAM,and Pentium III processor, this error occured;

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:..\virus\index.php on line 81

Below is the script that I used;

$debug = true;
file_scan("http://localhost/hafez", $defs, true);
$extensions = Array();
$extensions[] = 'htm';
$extensions[] = 'tml';
$extensions[] = 'txt';
$extensions[] = 'php';
$extensions[] = 'hp4';
$extensions[] = 'hp5';
$extensions[] = '.pl';


// declare variables
$report = '';

// output html headers

// set counters
$dircount = 0;
$filecount = 0;
$infected = 0;

// load virus defs from flat file
if (!check_defs('virus.def'))
	trigger_error("Virus.def vulnerable to overwrite, please change permissions", E_USER_ERROR);
$defs = load_defs('virus.def', $debug);

// scan specified root for specified defs
file_scan($path, $defs, $debug);

// output summary
echo '<h1>Scan Completed</h2>';
echo '<div id=summary>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned folders:</strong> ' . $dircount . '</p>';
echo '<p><strong>Scanned files:</strong> ' . $filecount . '</p>';
echo '<p class=r><strong>Infected files:</strong> ' . $infected . '</p>';
echo '</div>';

// output full report
echo $report;

function file_scan($folder, $defs, $debug = true) {
	// hunts files/folders recursively for scannable items
	global $dircount, $report;
	if ($debug)
		$report .= '<p class="d">Scanning folder $folder ...</p>';
	if ($d = @dir($folder)) {
		while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
			$isdir = @is_dir($folder.'/'.$entry);
			if (!$isdir and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {
			} elseif ($isdir  and $entry!='.' and $entry!='..') {

function virus_check($file, $defs, $debug = true) {
	global $filecount, $infected, $report, $extensions;

	// find scannable files
	$scannable = 0;
	foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
		if (substr($file,-3)==$ext)
			$scannable = 1;

	// compare against defs
	if ($scannable) {
		// affectable formats
		$data = file($file);
		$data = implode('\r\n', $data);
		$clean = 1;
		foreach ($defs as $virus) {
			if (strpos($data, $virus[1])) {
				// file matches virus defs
				$report .= '<p class="r">Infected: ' . $file . ' (' . $virus[0] . ')</p>';
				$clean = 0;
		if (($debug)&&($clean))
			$report .= '<p class="g">Clean: ' . $file . '</p>';

function load_defs($file, $debug = true) {
	// reads tab-delimited defs file
	$defs = file($file);
	$counter = 0;
	$counttop = sizeof($defs);
	while ($counter < $counttop) {
		$defs[$counter] = explode('	', $defs[$counter]);
	if ($debug)
		echo '<p>Loaded ' . sizeof($defs) . ' virus definitions</p>';
	return $defs;

function check_defs($file) {
	// check for >755 perms on virus defs
	$perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-2);
	if ($perms > 55)
		return false;
		return true;

function renderhead() {

<title>Virus scan</title>
<style type="text/css">
h1 {
	font-family: arial;

p {
	font-family: arial;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	font-size: 10px;

.g {
	color: #009900;

.r {
	color: #990000;
	font-weight: bold;

.d {
	color: #ccc;

#summary {
	border: #333 solid 1px;
	background: #f0efca;
	padding: 10px;
	margin: 10px;

#summary p {
	font-size: 12px;




So, can you guys figure it out on how to solve this thing? Thanks in advanced.

I've changed the execution time in php.ini to 86400 seconds, and also put the code you gave above, and still get the same error. Can you tell me where actually I have to put the code above?

Oh gosh I have figure it out. Thank you again DanceInstructor.

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