I am trying to run this code for long but failed.Can anyone help me?

1.     <?php
2.     $button_text=$_POST['button_text'];
3.     $color=$_POST['color'];
5.     if(empty($button_text)||empty($color))
6.     {
7.     echo 'Could not create image - form not filled out correctly';
8.     exit;
9.     }
10.      $imgname="I:\xampp\htdocs\test\button\";
11.     $im=imagecreatefrompng('$imgname'.$color.'-button.png');
12.     $width_image=imagesx($im);
13.     $height_image=imagesx($im);
14.     $width_image_wo_margins=$width_image-(2*18);
15.     $height_image_wo_margins=$height_image-(2*18);
16.      $font_size=33;
17.     putenv('GDFONTPATH=C:\WINDOWS\Fonts');
18.     $fontname='arial';
19.     do
20.     {
21.             $font_size--;
22.             $bbox=imagettfbbox($font_size,0,$fontname,$button_text);
23.             $right_text=$bbox[2];
24.             $left_text=$bbox[0];
25.             $width_text=$right_text - $left_text;
26.             $height_text=abs($bbox[7]-$bbox[1]);
27.     }while($font_size>8 && ($height_text>$height_image_wo_margins||$width_text>$width_image_wo_margins));
29.     if($height_text>$height_image_wo_margins||$width_text>$width_image_wo_margins)
30.     {
31.             echo 'Text given will not fit on button.<br>';
32.     }
33.     else
34.     {
35.             $text_x=$width_image/2.0 - $width_text/2.0;
36.             $text_y=$height_image/2.0 - $height_text/2.0;
38.             if($left_text<0)
39.                     $text_x+=abs($left_text);
40.             $above_line_text=abs($bbox[7]);
41.     $text_y  +=$above_line_text;
42.     $text_y  -=2;
43.     $white=imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255);
44.     imagettftext($im,$font_size,0,$text_x,$text_y,$white,$fontname,$button_text);
45.     header('content-type:image/png');
46.     imagepng($im);
47.     }
48.     imagedestroy($im);
49.     ?>

But I am getting the error -
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in D:\xampp\htdocs\web\button\make_button.php on line 49

unexpected $end

Is usually a missing curly bracket, but I don't see it.

Hi pritaeas,
Thanks for the reply!
But then what is the solution?

what is the solution

Check all parenthesis, curly brackets, single/double quotes and semi-colons.

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