I have a GoDaddy account and I want to connect dreamweaver to the mysql server... but I keep getting errors... no matter what I do... can someone assist me?

I called GoDaddy, they couldn't answer me so they blamed Dreamweaver...

do you have the username and password of your account? if you have than is like this yourusername_table
Hope this helps

Does GoDaddy allow remote connections to the database? If so, did you whitelist your ip address?

All the info. is correct...

pritaeas, I am not sure what you mean by whitelist but I think GoDaddy allows remote connections...

I keep getting un-identefied errors... :(

That's a little too vague. Can you show your code (assuming the remote connection can be established, did you try this with a tool) ?

dreamweaver i believe connects via ftp ....
are you sure your details are correct? because trying to log in with cpanel password info wont connect via dw if ftp is being accessed...

you wil need to setup a ftp user in your cpanel of your website

I'm sure its right, I followed a few guys on youtube... they did the same exact way as I did...

I believe my demo site is set as a ftp user.

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