
I know a little about php and I want to develop a website about advertisment. something about register a website and search about available adverstiment. I don't know what is better to use, functions or classes? help me for this

other question, how to develop a script and make it easy for designers to desing a template for it? so that many people can install my script in their website and design a diffrent template from the installed one. hope my questions clear

You can use both.

You can use function to simplify your code:


you can use class to make your code object oriented or download ready made classes to reuse.


PHP Frameworks : Codeigniter,Zend etc..

You can make your development easy and web designer friendly by using HTML Template Parser or MVC to seperate your HTML or Views to your PHP Scripts.

To be honest if I didn’t knew anything about programming then procedural scripting with some functions on it would seem the easy way to go, but believe me it isn’t. Understanding the concepts of OOP has a learning curve, but at the end you will gain more writing clean code and believe it or not, you will end writing less doing more.

thanks for your advice. OK i'll start with OOP but how to learn much about oop in php? I searched about that but i couldn't find tutorials. Especially I want to learn about combination. I know much about OOP in c++.

thank you

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