Hi there, I am working on a website at the moment and I am using the firefox console quite a lot.
I am in the process of testing a script and I have noticed something really odd, hopefully somebody might be able to tell me whether there is something I am doing wrong.
Take the following code:
console.log("Height is " + height + " New position value is " + newPositionValue + " hey ");
The output is all ok. Because some of the output are quite long, for legibility in the text editor I am using, I started to split the arguments of the console.log like this:
console.log("Height is " + height + " New position value is " +
+ newPositionValue + " hey ");
and so on. The thing is if I split the code like the above the results are ok but if I split it like this instead
console.log("Height is " + height + " New position value is " + newPositionValue +
+ " hey ");
the last string returns NaN. In other words if the string is on the other line on its own like + " hey ");
it returns NaN but if I have the variable plus the string like + newPositionValue + " hey ");
it is ok. Has anybody ever heard of this?