hi i wont to change the activatet value of user log in in database example:when i log in in the page the value must change from 0 to 1 any idea

Member Avatar for diafol

Show your code. Need data structure. What have you tried?

you have change my code in a way that is correct but i have to send you the register code and the login code they are a lot of tell me if i have to send them or not?

Member Avatar for diafol

Is this related to a different thread? Apologies if it is - I tend to lose track of who asks fo what.

this is the database:
activated is boolean default is as defined 0

this is the register:
$submit = @$_POST['submit'];
//form data
$fullname = strip_tags (@$_POST['fullname']);
$username = strtolower(strip_tags (@$_POST['username']));
$password= strip_tags(@$_POST['password']);
$repeatpassword = strip_tags(@$_POST['repeatpassword']);
$date =date("Y-m-d");
$email = @$_POST['email'];
if ($submit)
// open database
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
mysql_select_db("phplogin");  // select database
$namecheck = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$count = mysql_num_rows(@$namecheck);
if ($count !=0)
die ("Username is already taken!");


// check for existance


//chechk char length of username and fullname
if (strlen($username)>25||strlen ($fullname)>25)
echo ("Length of username or fullname is too long!");
//check password length
if(strlen($password)>25||strlen ($password)<6)
 echo ("Password must be  between 6 and 25 characters");
//register the user!

//encrypt password
$password = md5($password);
$repeatpassword = md5($repeatpassword);

//generate random number for activation process
$random = rand(23456789,98765432);

$queryreg =mysql_query("
INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$fullname','$username','$password','$email','$date','$random','0')
die ("You have been registered!<a href='index.php'> Return to Login page</a>");



 echo ("Your password do nat match!");
 echo("<b>Please fill in all</b> fields!");

this is the login:
$username =@$_POST['username'];
$password =@$_POST['password'] ;
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or ("Couldn't connect!");
mysql_select_db("phplogin") or die ("Couldn't find db");
$query = mysql_query("Select * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$numrow= mysql_num_rows($query);
if ($numrow!=0)
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$dbusername = @$row['username'];
$dbpassword = @$row['password'];
$acivated = $row=['activated'];

die("your accoun si not activate.Please check your email!");
// check to see if they match
  echo("You are in!<a href='member.php'>Click</a>here to enter in member page.");
die("your accoun si not activate.Please check your email!");

    echo ("Incorrect password!");
     die ("That user doesn't exist!");
echo ("Please enter a username and a password!");
this is the activated page:
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or ("Couldn't connect!");
mysql_select_db("phplogin") or die ("Couldn't find db");

$id = @$_GET['id'];
$check =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' AND random='$code'");
$checknum =mysql_num_rows($check);

//run a query to activate the account
$acti=mysql_query ("UPDATE users SET activated='1' WHERE id='$id'");
die ("Your account is activated.You may now log in.");

 die ("Invalid ID or Activation code.");
 die("DATA MISING");

so when i have to log in the value of activated in database have to change from 0 to 1

how about the page prior to reaching the activated page?

ok but explain me the line of codes i have to understand them i am a a biginer let's say like this

Hi andyy121,

Do you have an example of the activation link that the user will receive in their mailbox?

no i dont have becaouse firstly it will change automaticly when i click register and login
so the 0 must be 1 and then is the link if you wont it i will gave you

hey i wont help why i have to wait 5 days for a info help gayiz why so... i dont how to call

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