I am unable to send a string from php page to java script page. I am storing a string in a php variable and I want to send this value to java script page on image icon click. Here is the source code:


$activityid = $getResult->fields('ACTIVITY_ID');    // Now consider the value in $activityid is "AG001"
<img src="phpimages/tt_comment.gif" title="Add remarks" alt="add remarks icon" style="border:none;cursor:pointer;margin:0 0 0 5px" onclick="showRemarks('.$activityid.');" id="remarksadd"></img>


function showRemarks(actid)
document.getElementById("tt_comment_section").value = actid;

Here the function showRemarks(actid) itself is not calling.
FYI: If I store integer value(ex: 256487) in $activityid variable, the function is calling successfully and alert is showing the result. Problem coming with the string alone. I have tried with different syntaxes like


but no one giving result. Please give me the solution.

Have you tried:

onclick="showRemarks('<?php echo $activityid ?>');"
commented: you got me for a few seconds :-) +6

If you want to use a php variable in html enclose it within the <?php ?> tags and echo it:

onclick="showRemarks(' <?php echo $activityid; ?>');" id="remarksadd"></img>
commented: Same solution as I offered :) +1

Thanks for your reply JayJ and broj1. Your solution is correct. The mistake I have done is, forget to close php tag before html img tag. Here is the answer.

$activityid = $getResult->fields('ACTIVITY_ID');    // Now consider the value in $activityid is "AG001"
<img src="phpimages/tt_comment.gif" title="Add remarks" alt="add remarks icon" style="border:none;cursor:pointer;margin:0 0 0 5px" onclick="showRemarks('<?php $activityid ?>');" id="remarksadd"></img>
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