Hi i got a script from some website, it is an alternative for marquee so its cross browser. i put an iframe for it to scroll endlessly but after it scrolls the iframe, it keeps scrolling until it disappears off the screen, leaving behind a transparency until it starts anew. what im trying to do is for it to scrollwithout showing the background endlessly. live exaple at Click Here the code im using is

<style type="text/css">

position: relative;
width: 505px; /*marquee width */
height: 70px; /*marquee height */
background-color: transparent;
overflow: hidden;
border: 0px solid orange;
padding: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;


<script type="text/javascript">

* Cross browser Marquee II- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more.

var delayb4scroll=500 //Specify initial delay before marquee starts to scroll on page (2000=2 seconds)
var marqueespeed=1 //Specify marquee scroll speed (larger is faster 1-10)
var pauseit=1 //Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?


var copyspeed=marqueespeed
var pausespeed=(pauseit==0)? copyspeed: 0
var actualheight=''

function scrollmarquee(){
if (parseInt(cross_marquee.style.top)>(actualheight*(-1)+8))

function initializemarquee(){
if (window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Netscape/7")!=-1){ //if Opera or Netscape 7x, add scrollbars to scroll and exit
setTimeout('lefttime=setInterval("scrollmarquee()",30)', delayb4scroll)

if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", initializemarquee, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", initializemarquee)
else if (document.getElementById)


<div id="marqueecontainer" onMouseover="copyspeed=pausespeed" onMouseout="copyspeed=marqueespeed" style="left: -343px; top: -90px; ">
<div id="vmarquee" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; left: -10px; top: 42px;">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="235" scrolling="no" src="http://widgets.freestockcharts.com/WidgetServer/WatchListWidget.aspx?sym=DIA,NYSE,ACP,ACO,ADM,ADC,ADS,AEB,AEC,AED,AEE,AEL,AEM,AEO,AEP,COMPQX&amp;style=WLBlueStyle&amp;w=200" style="border:none;" width="325px"></iframe>

thanks you for your time.

currently, the widget just scrolls an image with a fixed height, thus you will see that blank space unless you can offset the time at which it repeats. The reason it appears that they chose to do it that way was so it could disappear and reappear at the bottom to rescroll. Either way you do it it's going to look a little janky.

im sorry for not explaning myself clearly but i have little understanding knowledge of css and html but i can't make out almost anything from javascript, i was hoping if someone can point out to me what i have to change and to what. thank you for youy reply.

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