Hi everyone.

I've been using dbmasters formm@iler.php for the past couple of years without any problems. No great credit on my part as I'm a complete dummo when it comes to PHP. In this case the script just worked out of the box so to speak.

Recently a number of enquiries have started missing out a field. So modified the PHP so the missing field became a required field. Now a number of folks are just putting an 'x' in the field rather than either the required 3 or 4 numbers.

Have heard you can modify this script or rely upon a validation.js file but everything just goes over my head.

This is part of the PHP script

// General Variables


    // Default Error and Success Page Variables
        $error_page_title="Unable to submit - Incomplete Details";
        $error_page_text="Please use your browser's back button to return to the Warranties 2000 web filing system and complete the required details.";
        $thanks_page_title="Your Proposal Has Been Forwarded To WARRANTIES2000 - Thank you";
        $thanks_page_text="Please use the back button on your browser";

    // options to use if hidden field "config" has a value of 0
    // recipient info
    // Mail contents config
    // Send back to sender config
    // Result options

So basically I'm stuck. Have tried reading up on stuff and frankly it just gets lost - all over my head stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for looking

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Have heard you can modify this script or rely upon a validation.js file but everything just goes over my head.

Do you get any error messages or does nothing happen?

If there's no error than it's more Javascript issue rather than PHP issue.

The code you provided doesn't make any sense? It's like you put a part of the code so it's hard to understand it plus it's incomplete.

Since you are using JQuery validate.js

Have you read this:


to find some clues?

I think it's best to post this in Javascript section rather than PHP section.

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