I'm a newbie and I've got some problem with my project.
Here's my prob.

I have 2 pages.
First page I have 2 dropdownlist, months and years, and some radio button.
Second page I have checkboxlist and submit button.
When i click on radio button in the first page(autopostback), it redirect to the second page.
and when i submit on the second page, will go back to the first page.
I want to keep my selectedindex in the first page when i go back.

What should i do?

Sorry, my skill language is not good.
Ps. English is not my motherlanguage.

<@Page EnableViewState="true">write this top of the page. that will work.

did it help you, mojio ??

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I use a session to keep my choice in page load

And could you tell me

What EnableViewState work for ?

these examples will help u to understand,

1- ) if u dont want to lose your things in textboxes u have to add
<@Page EnableViewState="true">top of the page.

2- ) if u dont want to lose your things in any of textboxes u have to do like this...
<asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server" EnableViewState="True"></asp:TextBox>bye

thank you for your kindness. ^^

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