i have a code files in php + mysql database , so now i want to make them online on some free hosting site.
i am totalyy blank about this, so how to make it online so the world could see

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I doubt there is free hosting that allows you connect to a db. Your best best would be to sign up, pay for a domain and hosting. There are some great offers at the minute so it's quite cheap.

@ben.matthews18 : ok dear but i am not experienced with further procedure, i am newbie, kindly guide me through this website

Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi HunainHafeez,

Did you look at the site ben.matthews18 mentioned?
Just click the 'order now' button and fill in your details. If you have any specific questions, check their FAQ http://www.000webhost.com/faq.php

I'm guessing you don't have your own domain name, so you will need to go for their free subdomain option. I don't use 000webhost but the sign up process looks fairly standard like all the other webhosts.

fine Zagga, yes i don't have my own domain name but subdomain is ok, i just want to see that how my website works online , so is it fine to use subdomain for testing purpose ?

Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi again,

Yes, using a subdomain will be fine. Your website address will just be something like yourdomain.theirdomain.com instead of just yourdomain.com

Hello HunainHafeez,

Yes, actually the 000webhost is free and pretty good as much as free can be. For development, I would use the subdomain option. If needed in the future, you can just bind your production domain name.

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