Please help, so I have this combobox in html/php, So I want to load the records from mysql to a combobox, I had done that, so when the user selects a record in combobox, how can i get the selected value in the combobox?? Please guide me. I'm new in web.

so this is my table

    <td><?php include('cboProject.php'); ?></td>       

cboProject.php(getting records from mysql)

$sql=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT pcode, projid FROM projb");

        echo "<select name='pcode'>";
        echo "<option>-- Select Project --</option>";

        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))

            echo "<option value='$row[projid]'>$row[pcode]</option>";

        echo "</select>";

So when the user selects from a combobox. how will I get the id?? Please guide me. I really do not know what's next. Am I doing it right? Thank you so much for the help.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


So when the user selects from a combobox. how will I get the id?? Please guide me. I really do not know what's next. Am I doing it right? Thank you so much for the help.

In order to do that you need a <form> to select the query
It should look like something like what I wrote:

<form id="" name="" method="post" action="" >

<input type="hidden" name="" value="yes" />


$query = "Select id, pcode FROM projb ORDER BY pcode";

$result = mysql_query ($query);

echo "<select name=post value=''>POST Project</option>";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

    echo "<option value=$row[id]>$row[pcode]</option>";

}echo "</select>";


<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />


Hopefully this will give you an idea how to write it base on your table. I don't really know your table. I just plug the words.

Give it a try and test it out.

Member Avatar for diafol

I'd suggest concatenating a string rather than using echo. That way you can further separate your html and php. Otherwise you end up with hard-to-maintain pages mixing markup and php.

$output ='';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT pcode, projid FROM projb");
$output .= "<select name='pcode'>";
$output .= "<option>-- Select Project --</option>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
   $output .= "<option value='{$row['projid']}'>{$row['pcode']}</option>";
$output .= "</select>";

You can place that into an include file or before the !doctype declaration (html).

Then it's just a question of echoing $output in the relevant place.

To further develop this, you could wrap the code in a function or even place it in a class as a method.

For a vanilla function:

function getDropDown(){
    $output ='';
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT pcode, projid FROM projb");
    $output .= "<select name='pcode'>";
    $output .= "<option>-- Select Project --</option>";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
       $output .= "<option value='{$row['projid']}'>{$row['pcode']}</option>";
    $output .= "</select>";
    return $output;


<td><?php echo getDropDown();?></td>

That ain't brilliant, just illustrates my point. That way you don't have to worry about variable names clashing as they're all limited (scoped) inside the function.

commented: Nice Solution! +5
Member Avatar for LastMitch


I would suggest to used diafol method because it's much cleaner than using the echos and my example is too difficult to make changes because of the combination of html/php. It's much easier to make adjustments or changes if used diafol methods than mines and he also explains the pro & cons about each method. I agree with his point of view.

Okay. I'll inform you for progress. Thank You for the help.

Guys, so the records are loaded in the combobox, example the value are {Sample1, Sample2, Sample3}, I choose Sample2, how can I get it's id? I need the id of Sample2 in my another query. Do I need a session to do that? Please help me. thank You

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Guys, so the records are loaded in the combobox, example the value are {Sample1, Sample2, Sample3}, I choose Sample2, how can I get it's id? I need the id of Sample2 in my another query. Do I need a session to do that? Please help me. thank You

I'm not sure what you are talking about?

When you select Sample1, Sample2, Sample3 it should be a row (id) not a session?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I realize what you did. You're missing a step! You didn't have a previous query to select the id, that's why you can't select. You need to create a query to select the id in order for diafol example to work!

It should look like this :

$query = "SELECT * FROM WHERE id=$";

Member Avatar for diafol

If you use 'id' - you can use javascript to capture it. Form fields rely on the 'name' attribute when submitted directly to the server. So a quick fix may be to duplicate id and name attributes. However, this isn't always possible when considering array data as ids must be unique.

yeah, and how can I do that? Getting it's value and id? I really do not know I'll post all the codes. Hope you can understand it. Thank You
so this is my html codes and I use "include" to call cboProject.php

    <div id="wrap">
    <form id="SelProjCode" action="LoadProj.php" >
    <table width="200" height="200" id="tbl">
            <td colspan="2">Project Monitoring</td>
            <td>Select Project to Edit:</td>  
            <td>**<?php include('cboProject.php');
                echo $output ;
            <td><input type="Submit" id="Go" name="Go" value="Go"/></td>

This is my cboProject.php

    $con=mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);

if (!$con)
        die('Could not connect:' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("proj", $con);
    $output = '';
    $sql=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT pcode FROM projb");
    $output .= "<select name='pcode'>";
    $output .= "<option>-- Select Project --</option>";

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
        $output .= "<option value='{$row['projid']}'>{$row['pcode']}</option>";

    $output .= "</select>";


I tried diafol's code. Please inform me if I done it well/wrong.
So when the user selects record in the combobox how can I get the ID.
This is my code so far.


$projid = $_POST['pcode']; // I want to get the id and I do not know how
echo $projid;

if (!$con)
    die('Could not connect:' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("proj", $con);

$result = mysql_query("
Select * from projb INNER JOIN proja ON projb.projid = proja.projid 
INNER JOIN parti ON proja.parid = parti.parid INNER JOIN partb ON partb.parid = parti.parid WHERE projb.projid=$projid");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

    $_SESSION['projid'] = $row['projid'];
    $_SESSION['pcode'] = $row['pcode'];
    $_SESSION['projno'] = $row['projno'];
    $_SESSION['prtit'] = $row['prtit'];
    $_SESSION['propo'] = $row['prdur'];
    $_SESSION['pname'] = $row['pname'];

        header("location: fillup.php");


Am I doing it right? I'm sorry I'm a newbie in php. Thank You for the help!

If i get your question right, you want to retrieve a record, along with it's id. If it is so, lemme ask; between projid and pcode; which of the two is the id you want to retrieve.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


You can either used javascript to capture the ID like what diafol said or you can used this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM WHERE id=$showthis"; to fetch the ID

This is where you put it:

$result = mysql_query("
Select * from projb INNER JOIN proja ON projb.projid = proja.projid 
INNER JOIN parti ON proja.parid = parti.parid INNER JOIN partb ON partb.parid = parti.parid WHERE projb.projid=$projid");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $_SESSION['projid'] = $row['projid'];
    $_SESSION['pcode'] = $row['pcode'];
    $_SESSION['projno'] = $row['projno'];
    $_SESSION['prtit'] = $row['prtit'];
    $_SESSION['propo'] = $row['prdur'];
    $_SESSION['pname'] = $row['pname'];
        header("location: fillup.php");

oohhh nooo... I'm confused. @Webville312 im getting the projid(the id for pcode). @LastMitch thank u. I hope I can get it. thank u ;)

Member Avatar for LastMitch


oohhh nooo... I'm confused

OK, let me explain it little here is an example of how to select the id

$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=$showthis";
tresult = mysql_query ($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($tresult)){
        $projid = $row['id'];

On diafol file when you select either Sample1, Sample2, Sample3 all of them will select the id because of the select id

$output ='';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT pcode, projid FROM projb");
$output .= "<select name='pcode'>";
$output .= "<option>-- Select Project --</option>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$output .= "<option value='{$row['projid']}'>{$row['pcode']}</option>";
$output .= "</select>";

I hope you get a picture how it works.

I know you are using Join so it's bit confusing.

Select * from projb INNER JOIN proja ON projb.projid = proja.projid
INNER JOIN parti ON proja.parid = parti.parid INNER JOIN partb ON partb.parid = parti.parid WHERE projb.projid=$projid");

Thank You for the help ;) I got the id using this code. Thank You God bless u ;)

$projid = $_GET['pcode'];
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