Hi, I am new to javascript. Syntactically, this code seems correct, but for some strange reason, it refuses to execute. I know it's bad practice to include the script within the same document, but I just want this to work. Thank you in advance.

 <!DOCTYPE html>

                        Hello World.
                        <p id = "bye">

                        <canvas id="canvas1" width="200" height = "100" style="border:1px solid #000000;"> 

                                var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
                                var ctx=c.getContext("2d");

                                document.getElementById("bye").innerHTML = "bye";

I think that you need to change
var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var c=document.getElementById("canvas1");
myCanvas for canvas1.
canvas1 is the id that you have done to it.

Thank you very much.

On your code you written entire body in head seaction. try to keep seperately.

        <title>You'r document title here</title>
        // your script goes here
        <!-- Content goes here -->
            // Your script goes here

to avoid errors.

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