I read a bit around here, but as I'm a newbie I couldn't configure what to change the description to on my own, can someone help me?

I get this error:
Warning: Illegal string offset 'members_seo_name' in F:\Server\xampp\htdocs\ipbwaqar\admin\sources\classes\output\publicOutput.php(3526) : eval()'d code on line 12

publicOutput.php looks something like this:


 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.3.4
 * Public output methods
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-07-05 11:04:28 -0400 (Thu, 05 Jul 2012) $
 * </pre>
 * @author      $Author: mmecham $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license     http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package     IP.Board
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @since       Who knows...
 * @version     $Revision: 11035 $

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
    print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

class output
     * Registry Object Shortcuts
     * @access  public
     * @var     object
    public $registry;
    public $DB;
    public $settings;
    public $request;
    public $lang;
    public $member;
    public $cache;

     * SEO templates
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $seoTemplates        = array();

     * URLs array
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $urls                = array();

     * Compiled templates
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $compiled_templates  = array();

     * Loaded templates
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $loaded_templates    = array();

     * HTML variable
     * @access  protected
     * @var     string
    protected $_html            = '';

     * Page title
     * @access  protected
     * @var     string
    protected $_title           = '';

     * Basic navigation elements
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    protected $__navigation     = array();

     * Is this an error page?
     * @access  protected
     * @var     bool
    protected $_isError         = FALSE;

     * Is this a page we should use SSL for?
     * @access  public
     * @var     bool
    public $isHTTPS             = FALSE;

     * Custom navigation elements
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    public $_navigation         = array();

     * Skin array
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $skin                = array();

     * All skins
     * @access  public
     * @var     array
    public $allSkins = array();

     * Offline message
     * @access  public
     * @var     string
    public $offlineMessage = '';

     * Add content to the document <head>
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    protected $_documentHeadItems = array();

     * Holds the JS modules to be loaded
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    protected $_jsLoader = array();

     * CSS array to be passed to main library
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    protected $_css = array( 'import' => array(), 'inline' => array() );    

     * Do not load skin_global
     * @access  protected
     * @var     boolean
    protected $_noLoadGlobal = FALSE;

     * Maintain an array of seen template bits to prevent
     * infinite recursion when dealing with parse template tags
     * @access  protected
     * @var     array
    protected $_seenTemplates = array();

     * Output format class
     * @access  public
     * @var     object
    public $outputFormatClass;

     * Skin functions class, if needed
     * @access  protected
     * @var     object
    protected $_skinFunctions;

     * Are we using safe mode?
     * @access  protected
     * @var     bool
    protected $_usingSafeModeSkins = FALSE;

     * Root doc URL (no pagination)
     * @access  protected
     * @var     string
    protected $_rootDocUrl;

     * is mobile skin flag
     * @access  protected
     * @var     boolean
    protected $_isMobileSkin = false;

    * FURL cache storage.
    * @access   protected
    * @var      boolean
    protected static $furlCache = array();

    * If you're generating a lot of FURLs, the cache will eventually slow you down beyond 
    * @access   protected
    * @var      boolean
    protected static $furlCacheEnabled = true;

     * Interally cache the results of isLargeTouchDevice() and isSmallTouchDevice()
     * @var boolean
    protected $_isLargeTouchDevice = null;
    protected $_isSmallTouchDevice = null;

     * Fetch skin generator session
     * @var boolean
    public $skinGenSession = false;

     * Anti-cache hash for CSS/JS
     * @var string
    public $antiCacheHash;

    protected $_paginationProcessedData = array();

     * Trap skin calls that could have incorrect names
     * @access  public
     * @param   string
     * @param   mixed       void, or an array of arguments
     * @return  mixed       string, or an error
    public function __call( $funcName, $args )
        /* Output format stuff.. */
        switch ( $funcName )
            case 'storeRootDocUrl':
                $this->_rootDocUrl = $args[0];
                return true;
            case 'fetchRootDocUrl':
                return $this->_rootDocUrl;
            case 'setCacheExpirationSeconds':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0] );
            case 'setHeaderCode':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0], $args[1] );
            case 'addMetaTag':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    if ( isset( $args[3] ) )
                        return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0], $args[1], (boolean)$args[2], (integer)$args[3] );
                        return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0], $args[1], (boolean)$args[2] );
            case 'getMetaTags':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0] );
            case 'encodeMetaTagContent':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0] );
            case 'addCanonicalTag':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2] );
            case 'getCanonicalUrl':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName();
            case 'forceDownload':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0] );
            case 'parseIPSTags':
                if ( is_object( $this->outputFormatClass ) )
                    return $this->outputFormatClass->$funcName( $args[0] );

     * Returns the processed pagination data
    public function getPaginationProcessedData()
        return $this->_paginationProcessedData;

     * Flag this skin as mobile
     * @access  public
     * @param   boolean
    public function setAsMobileSkin( $bool )
        $this->_isMobileSkin = ( $bool ) ? true : false;

     * Flag this skin as mobile
     * @access  public
     * @param   boolean
    public function getAsMobileSkin()
        return ( $this->_isMobileSkin ) ? true : false;

     * Is this a large touch device? ...
     * Future expansion
    public function isLargeTouchDevice()
        if ( $this->_isLargeTouchDevice === null )
            $this->_isLargeTouchDevice = false;

            if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'transformer' )
                $this->_isLargeTouchDevice = true;
            else if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'iPad' )
                $this->_isLargeTouchDevice = true;

        return $this->_isLargeTouchDevice;

     * Is this a small touch device? ...
     * Future expansion
    public function isSmallTouchDevice()
        if ( $this->_isSmallTouchDevice === null )
            $this->_isSmallTouchDevice = false;

            if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'iphone' )
                $this->_isSmallTouchDevice = true;
            else if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'ipodtouch' )
                $this->_isSmallTouchDevice = true;
            else if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'android' )
                $this->_isSmallTouchDevice = true;
            else if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == 'operamini' )
                $this->_isSmallTouchDevice = true;

        return $this->_isSmallTouchDevice;

     * Is this a ___ touch device? ...
     * Future expansion
    public function isTouchDevice()
        return ( $this->isLargeTouchDevice() || $this->isSmallTouchDevice() ) ? true : false;

     * Construct
     * @access  public
     * @param   object      ipsRegistry reference
     * @param   bool        Whether to init or not
     * @return  @e void
    public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry, $initialize=FALSE )
        /* Make object */
        $this->registry   =  $registry;
        $this->DB         =  $this->registry->DB();
        $this->settings   =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
        $this->request    =& $this->registry->fetchRequest();
        $this->lang       =  $this->registry->getClass('class_localization');
        $this->member     =  $this->registry->member();
        $this->memberData =& $this->registry->member()->fetchMemberData();
        $this->cache      =  $this->registry->cache();
        $this->caches     =& $this->registry->cache()->fetchCaches();

        /* Safe mode skins... */
        $this->_usingSafeModeSkins = ( ( $this->settings['safe_mode_skins'] == 0 AND $this->settings['safe_mode'] == 0 ) OR IN_DEV ) ? FALSE : TRUE;

        if ( $initialize === TRUE )
            // INIT

            $_outputFormat    = 'html';
            $_outputClassName = 'htmlOutput';

            $this->allSkins = $this->_fetchAllSkins();
            $skinSetID      = $this->_fetchUserSkin();
            $this->skin     = $this->allSkins[ $skinSetID ];

            /* Does it need a recache? */
            if ( $this->skin['set_updated'] == -2 )
                /* Flag skins for recache */
                require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php' );/*noLibHook*/
                require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php' );/*noLibHook*/
                $skinCaching    = new skinCaching( $this->registry );

                /* Set it as caching */
                $skinCaching->flagSetAsRecaching( $skinSetID );

                /* Just recache this one skin set */
                $skinCaching->setIgnoreChildrenWhenRecaching( true );
                $skinCaching->rebuildPHPTemplates( $skinSetID );
                $skinCaching->rebuildCSS( $skinSetID );

                IPSDebug::addMessage( "Recached skin set: " . $skinSetID );

            // Get the skin caches

            $skinCaches = $this->cache->getWithCacheLib( 'Skin_Store_' . $skinSetID );

            if ( ! is_array($skinCaches) OR ! count($skinCaches) )
                $_grab = "'css', 'replacements'";

                $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
                                         'from'   => 'skin_cache',
                                         'where'  => "cache_set_id=" . $skinSetID . " AND cache_type IN (" . $_grab . ")" ) );

                while( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )
                    $skinCaches[ $row['cache_value_2'] . '.' . $row['cache_id'] ] = $row;

                /* Put skin cache back if needed */
                $this->cache->putWithCacheLib( 'Skin_Store_' . $skinSetID, $skinCaches, 86400 );

            /* Avoid SQL filesort */
            ksort( $skinCaches );

            /* Loop and build */
            foreach( $skinCaches as $row )
                switch( $row['cache_type'] )
                    case 'css':
                        $appDir  = '';
                        $appHide = 0;
                        if ( strstr( $row['cache_value_4'], '-' ) )
                            list( $appDir, $appHide ) = explode( '-', $row['cache_value_4'] );

                            if ( ( $appDir ) AND $appDir != IPS_APP_COMPONENT AND $appHide )
                            /* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-32175-disabled-app-css */
                            else if( $appDir and !IPSLib::appIsInstalled( $appDir ) )

                        /* Tied to specific modules within the app? */
                        if ( $row['cache_value_6'] AND $this->request['module'] )
                            if ( ! in_array( $this->request['module'], explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $row['cache_value_6'] ) ) ) )

                        $skinCaches['css'][ $row['cache_value_1'] ] = array( 'content' => $row['cache_content'], 'attributes' => $row['cache_value_5'] );
                    case 'replacements':
                        $skinCaches['replacements'] = $row['cache_content'];

            $this->skin['_css']          = is_array( $skinCaches['css'] ) ? $skinCaches['css'] : array();
            $this->skin['_replacements'] = unserialize($skinCaches['replacements']);
            $this->skin['_skincacheid']  = $this->skin['set_id'];
            $this->skin['_csscacheid']   = 'css_' . $this->skin['set_id'];

            // Set a hash we can use to prevent client caching of CSS/JS
            $this->antiCacheHash = md5( IPB_VERSION . $this->settings['board_url'] . md5( $this->settings['sql_tbl_prefix'] . $this->settings['sql_pass'] ) );

            /* IN_DEV Stuff */
            if ( IN_DEV )
                $this->skin['_css'] = array();

                if ( is_file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'cache/skin_cache/masterMap.php' ) )
                    $REMAP = $this->buildRemapData();

                    $_setId = intval( $REMAP['inDevDefault'] );
                    $_dir   = $REMAP['templates'][ $REMAP['inDevDefault'] ];
                    $_cdir  = $REMAP['css'][ $REMAP['inDevDefault'] ];

                    /* Reset master dir */
                    $this->skin['set_image_dir'] = $REMAP['images'][ $REMAP['inDevDefault'] ];
                    $this->skin['set_key']       = $REMAP['inDevDefault'];
                    $_setId = 0;
                    $_dir   = 'master_skin';
                    $_cdir  = 'master_css';

                /* Using a custom master skin */
                if ( $_setId )
                    $this->skin = $this->allSkins[ $_setId ];

                    $this->skin['_replacements'] = unserialize( $skinCaches['replacements'] );

                /* Sort out CSS */
                if ( ! isset( $this->_skinFunctions ) || ! is_object( $this->_skinFunctions ) )
                    require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php' );/*noLibHook*/
                    require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php' );/*noLibHook*/

                    $this->_skinFunctions = new skinCaching( $this->registry );

                $css = $this->_skinFunctions->fetchDirectoryCSS( $_cdir );
                $tmp = array();
                $ord = array();

                foreach( $css as $name => $data )
                    /* Tied to app? */
                    if ( ( $data['css_app'] ) AND $data['css_app'] != IPS_APP_COMPONENT AND $data['css_app_hide'] )

                    /* Tied to specific modules within the app? */
                    if ( $data['css_modules'] AND ( ! in_array( $this->request['module'], explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $data['css_modules'] ) ) ) ) )

                    $tmp[ $data['css_position'] . '.' . $data['css_group'] ][ $name ] = array( 'content' => $data['css_content'], 'attributes' => $data['css_attributes'] );

                ksort( $tmp );

                foreach( $tmp as $blah => $data )
                    foreach( $data as $name => $data )
                        $ord[ $blah ] = array( 'css_group' => $name, 'css_position' => 1 );
                        $this->skin['_css'][ $name ] = $data;

                /* Other data */
                $this->skin['_cssGroupsArray'] = $ord;
                $this->skin['_skincacheid']    = is_dir( IPS_CACHE_PATH . 'cache/skin_cache/' . $_dir ) ? $_setId : $this->skin['set_id'];
                $this->skin['_csscacheid']     = $_cdir;
                $this->skin['set_css_inline']  = ( is_dir( IPS_PUBLIC_PATH . 'style_css/' . $_cdir ) ) ? 1 : 0;

                if ( is_file( IPS_CACHE_PATH . 'cache/skin_cache/' . $_dir . '/_replacements.inc' ) )
                    $replacements = array();
                    include_once( IPS_CACHE_PATH . 'cache/skin_cache/' . $_dir . '/_replacements.inc' );/*noLibHook*/

                    $this->skin['_replacements'] = $replacements;

            /* Is this a mobile skin? */
            if ( $this->skin['set_key'] == 'mobile' )
                $this->setAsMobileSkin( true );

            // Which output engine?

            if ( $this->skin['set_output_format'] )
                if ( file_exists( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/output/formats/' . $this->skin['set_output_format'] ) )
                    $_outputFormat    = $this->skin['set_output_format'];
                    $_outputClassName = $this->skin['set_output_format'] . 'Output';

            require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/output/formats/coreOutput.php' );/*noLibHook*/
            $outputClassToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/output/formats/' . $_outputFormat. '/' . $_outputClassName. '.php', $_outputClassName );

            $this->outputFormatClass = new $outputClassToLoad( $this );

            /* Build URLs */

            /* Special set up for mobile skin */
            if ( $this->getAsMobileSkin() === true )

     * Reload skin set data
     * Some applications need to ensure they get 'fresh' skin data not just the data loaded during INIT
     * @access public
    public function reloadSkinData()
        /* Whack the cache */
        $this->caches['skinsets'] = array();

        $this->allSkins = $this->_fetchAllSkins();
        $skinSetID      = $this->_fetchUserSkin();
        $this->skin     = $this->allSkins[ $skinSetID ];

     * Build URLs
     * @access  protected
     * @return  @e void
    protected function _buildUrls()
        // Should we use HTTPS on this page?


        // Board URLs and such

        $this->settings['board_url']        = $this->settings['base_url'];
        $this->settings['js_main']          = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/js/';

        $this->settings['public_dir']       = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/';
        $this->settings['cache_dir']        = $this->settings['ipb_cache_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_cache_url'] . '/cache/' : $this->settings['base_url'] . '/cache/';

        $this->settings['base_url']         = $this->settings['base_url'] .'/'.IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT.'?';
        $this->settings['base_url_ns']      = $this->settings['base_url'] .'/'.IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT.'?';

        if ( $this->member->session_type != 'cookie' AND !$this->member->is_not_human )
            $this->settings['base_url'] .= 's='.$this->member->session_id.'&amp;';

        /* Create new URL */
        $this->settings['base_url_with_app'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=' . IPS_APP_COMPONENT . '&amp;';

        $this->settings['js_base']          = $this->settings['_original_base_url'].'/index.'.$this->settings['php_ext'].'?s='.$this->member->session_id.'&';

        $this->settings['img_url']          = $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_images/' . $this->skin['set_image_dir'] : $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_images/' . $this->skin['set_image_dir'];
        $this->settings['img_url_no_dir']   = $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_images/' : $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_images/';
        $this->settings['public_cdn_url']   = rtrim( $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] : $this->settings['_original_base_url'], '/' ) . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/';
        $this->settings['css_base_url']     = rtrim( $this->settings['ipb_css_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_css_url'] : $this->settings['_original_base_url'], '/' ) . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/';
        $this->settings['js_base_url']      = rtrim( $this->settings['ipb_js_url']  ? $this->settings['ipb_js_url']  : $this->settings['_original_base_url'], '/' ) . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/';
        $this->settings['emoticons_url']  = $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>' : $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>';
        $this->settings['mime_img']       = $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] ? $this->settings['ipb_img_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY : $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY;

        /* HTTPS fixes */
        if( $this->isHTTPS )

     * Enable HTTPS
     * @return  @e void
    public function enableHTTPS()
        $this->isHTTPS = TRUE;
        $this->settings['board_url_https']  = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['board_url'] );
        $this->settings['base_url_https']   = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['base_url'] );
        $this->settings['public_dir']       = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['public_dir'] );
        $this->settings['cache_dir']        = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['cache_dir'] );
        $this->settings['img_url']          = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['img_url'] );
        $this->settings['css_base_url']     = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['css_base_url'] );
        $this->settings['js_base_url']      = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['js_base_url'] );
        $this->settings['img_url_no_dir']   = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['img_url_no_dir'] );
        $this->settings['upload_url']       = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['upload_url'] );
        $this->settings['fbc_xdlocation']   = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', str_replace( 'xd_receiver.php', 'xd_receiver_ssl.php', $this->settings['fbc_xdlocation'] ) );
        $this->settings['emoticons_url']    = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['emoticons_url'] );
        $this->settings['mime_img']         = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $this->settings['mime_img'] );

     * Any set up for the mobile skin
     * @access  private
    private function _mobileSkinSetUp()
        /* Ensure thumbnails are small */
        $this->settings['siu_width']  = 100;
        $this->settings['siu_height'] = 100;

     * Sets the isHTTPS class variable
     * @access  private
     * @return  @e void
     * @todo    [Future] Explore moving the https section definitions to app coreVariables.php
    private function _setHTTPS()
        $this->isHTTPS = false;

        if ( !defined( 'SSL_PORT' ) )
            define( 'SSL_PORT', 443 );

        if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == SSL_PORT )
            $this->isHTTPS = true;

        if( $this->settings['logins_over_https'] && ( in_array( ipsRegistry::$request['section'], array( 'login', 'lostpass', 'register') ) || ipsRegistry::$request['module'] == 'usercp') )
            /* Configure where we want HTTPS */
            $sectionsForHttps   = array(
                                        'core'  => array(
                                                        'global'    => array(
                                                                            'login'     => array(),
                                                                            'register'  => array(),
                                                                            'lostpass'  => array(),
                                                        'usercp'    => array(
                                                                            'core'  => array( 'email', 'password', 'displayname' ),

            foreach( $sectionsForHttps as $app => $modules )
                if( $app == ipsRegistry::$request['app'] )
                    foreach( $modules as $module => $sections )
                        if( $module == ipsRegistry::$request['module'] )
                            foreach( $sections as $section => $areas )
                                // User cp is "special"

                                if( $module == 'usercp' )
                                    if( ipsRegistry::$request['tab'] == $section )
                                        foreach( $areas as $area )
                                            if( ipsRegistry::$request['area'] == $area )
                                                $this->isHTTPS  = true;
                                                break 4;
                                    if( ipsRegistry::$request['section'] == $section )
                                        $this->isHTTPS  = true;
                                        break 3;

     * Return all skin sets from the cache and expand them
     * @access  protected
     * @return  Array if skin (array [id] => data
    protected function _fetchAllSkins()
        // INIT

        $gatewayFile = '';

        // Check skin caches

        if ( ! is_array( $this->caches['skinsets'] ) OR ! count( $this->caches['skinsets'] ) )
            $this->cache->rebuildCache( 'skinsets', 'global' );

        // Did we come in via a gateway file?

        foreach( $this->caches['outputformats'] as $key => $conf )
            if ( $conf['gateway_file'] == IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT )
                IPSDebug::addMessage( "Gateway file confirmed: " . $key );

                $gatewayFile = $key;

        if( !$gatewayFile )
            $gatewayFile    = 'html';

        // Get 'em

        $_skinSets = $this->caches['skinsets'];

        if ( is_array( $_skinSets ) )
            foreach( $_skinSets as $id => $data )
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_parentTree']      = unserialize( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_parent_array'] );
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_childTree']       = unserialize( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_child_array'] );
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_userAgents']      = unserialize( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_locked_uagent'] );
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_cssGroupsArray']  = unserialize( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_css_groups'] );
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_youCanUse']       = FALSE;
                $_skinSets[ $id ]['_gatewayExclude']  = FALSE;

                /* Can we see it? */
                if ( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_permissions'] == '*' )
                    $_skinSets[ $id ]['_youCanUse'] = TRUE;
                else if ( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_permissions'] )
                    $_perms = explode( ',', $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_permissions'] );

                    if ( isset($this->memberData['member_group_id']) AND in_array( $this->memberData['member_group_id'], $_perms ) )
                        $_skinSets[ $id ]['_youCanUse'] = TRUE;
                    else if ( !empty($this->memberData['mgroup_others']) )
                        $_others = explode( ',', $this->memberData['mgroup_others'] );

                        if ( count( array_intersect( $_others, $_perms ) ) )
                            $_skinSets[ $id ]['_youCanUse'] = TRUE;

                /* Limit to output format? */
                if ( $gatewayFile AND ! IN_ACP )
                    if ( $_skinSets[ $id ]['set_output_format'] != $gatewayFile )
                        $_skinSets[ $id ]['_youCanUse']      = FALSE;
                        $_skinSets[ $id ]['_gatewayExclude'] = TRUE;

                /* Array groups */
                if ( is_array( $_skinSets[ $id ]['_cssGroupsArray'] ) )
                    ksort( $_skinSets[ $id ]['_cssGroupsArray'], SORT_NUMERIC );
                    $_skinSets[ $id ]['_cssGroupsArray'] = array();

        return $_skinSets;

     * Fetch a skin based on user's incoming data (user-agent, URL) or via other params
     * The priority chain goes like this:
     * Incoming Gateway file (index.php / xml.php / rss.php, etc) filters out some skins, then:
     * - User Agent
     * - URL Remap
     * - App Specific
     * - Member specific
     * - Default skin
     * @access  protected
     * @return  int         ID of skin to use
    protected function _fetchUserSkin()
        // INIT

        $useSkinID = FALSE;

        /* Using the skin generator */
        if ( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] && $this->memberData['bw_using_skin_gen'] )
            /* Flag skins for recache */
            require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php' );/*noLibHook*/
            require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php' );/*noLibHook*/
            require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinGenerator.php' );/*noLibHook*/
            $skinGenerator  = new skinGenerator( $this->registry );

            $this->skinGenSession = $skinGenerator->getUserSession( $this->memberData['member_id'] );

            if ( $this->skinGenSession !== false )
                /* Switch on live edit mode */
                define( 'IPS_LIVE_EDIT', true );

                return $this->skinGenSession['sg_skin_set_id'];

        /* Turn this off if required */
        if ( ! defined( 'IPS_LIVE_EDIT') )
            define( 'IPS_LIVE_EDIT', false );

        /* Force the full version */
        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentType'] != 'mobileApp' && ( $this->request['forceFullVersion'] || IPSCookie::get('uagent_bypass') ) )
            /* Set cookie */
            IPSCookie::set("uagent_bypass", 1, -1);

            /* Got one set by default for this gateway? */
            foreach( $this->allSkins as $data )
                /* Can use with this output format? */
                if ( $data['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )

                /* Is default for our current gateway? */
                if ( $data['set_is_default'] && $this->caches['outputformats'][ $data['set_output_format'] ]['gateway_file'] == IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT )
                    return $data['set_id'];

        // Ok, lets get a skin!

        foreach( array( '_fetchByMobileApp', '_fetchSkinByUserAgent', '_fetchSkinByURLMap', '_fetchSkinByApp', '_fetchSkinByMemberPrefs', '_fetchSkinByDefault' ) as $function )
            $useSkinID = $this->$function();

            if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )

        // Return it...

        return $useSkinID;

     * Attempt to get a skin choice based on mobile app
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT of a skin, FALSE if no skin found
    private function _fetchByMobileApp()
        $key = '';

        /* Detect the app */
        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentType'] == 'mobileApp' )
            $key = 'xmlskin';
        else if ( $this->memberData['userAgentType'] == 'mobileBot' || $this->memberData['userAgentType'] == 'mobileAppLegacy' )
            $key = 'mobile';

            $this->setAsMobileSkin( true );
        else if ( IPSCookie::get("mobileBrowser") == 1 )
            $key = 'mobile';

            $this->setAsMobileSkin( true );

        if ( $key )
            $useSkinID = false;

            foreach( $this->allSkins as $id => $data )
                if ( $data['set_key'] == $key )
                    $useSkinID = $data['set_id'];

            if ( $useSkinID )
                return $useSkinID;

        return false;

     * Attempt to get a skin choice based on user-agent
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT of a skin, FALSE if no skin found
    private function _fetchSkinByUserAgent()
        // INIT

        $useSkinID = FALSE;

        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] AND ! $this->memberData['userAgentBypass'] )
            foreach( $this->allSkins as $id => $data )
                /* Got perms? */
                if ( $data['_youCanUse'] !== TRUE )

                /* Can use with this output format? */
                if ( $data['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )

                /* Check user agents first */
                if ( is_array( $data['_userAgents']['uagents'] ) )
                    foreach( $data['_userAgents']['uagents'] as $_key => $_version )
                        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == $_key )
                            if ( $_version )
                                $_versions = explode( ',', $_version );

                                foreach( $_versions as $_v )
                                    if ( strstr( $_v, '+' ) )
                                        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] >= intval( $_v ) )
                                            $useSkinID = $id;
                                            break 3;
                                    else if ( strstr( $_v, '-' ) )
                                        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] <= intval( $_v ) )
                                            $useSkinID = $id;
                                            break 3;
                                        if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] == intval( $_v ) )
                                            $useSkinID = $id;
                                            break 3;
                                /* We don't care about versions.. */
                                $useSkinID = $id;
                                break 2;

                /* Still here? */
                if ( is_array( $data['_userAgents']['groups'] ) AND $useSkinID === FALSE )
                    foreach( $data['_userAgents']['groups'] as $groupID )
                        $_group = $this->caches['useragentgroups'][ $groupID ];
                        $_gData = unserialize( $_group['ugroup_array'] );

                        if ( is_array( $_gData ) )
                            foreach( $_gData as $__key => $__data )
                                if ( $this->memberData['userAgentKey'] == $__key )
                                    if ( $__data['uagent_versions'] )
                                        $_versions = explode( ',', $__data['uagent_versions'] );

                                        foreach( $_versions as $_v )
                                            if ( strstr( $_v, '+' ) )
                                                if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] >= intval( $_v ) )
                                                    $useSkinID = $id;
                                                    break 4;
                                            else if ( strstr( $_v, '-' ) )
                                                if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] <= intval( $_v ) )
                                                    $useSkinID = $id;
                                                    break 4;
                                                if ( $this->memberData['userAgentVersion'] == intval( $_v ) )
                                                    $useSkinID = $id;
                                                    break 4;
                                        /* We don't care about versions.. */
                                        $useSkinID = $id;
                                        break 3;

        /* Did we automatically get set the mobile skin?
         * If so, assign cookie

        if ( $this->allSkins[ $useSkinID ]['set_key'] == 'mobile' )
            IPSCookie::set("mobileBrowser", 1, -1);

        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            $this->memberData['userAgentLocked'] = TRUE;
            IPSDebug::addMessage( "Skin set found via user agent. Using set #" . $useSkinID );

        return $useSkinID;

     * Attempt to fetch a skin based on URL remap
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT skin ID or FALSE if none found
    private function _fetchSkinByURLMap()
        $useSkinID = FALSE;

        // Geddit?

        if ( $this->caches['skin_remap'] and is_array( $this->caches['skin_remap'] ) AND count( $this->caches['skin_remap'] ) )
            foreach( $this->caches['skin_remap'] as $id => $data )
                if ( $data['map_match_type'] == 'exactly' )
                    if ( strtolower( $data['map_url'] ) == strtolower( $this->settings['query_string_real'] ) )
                        $useSkinID = $data['map_skin_set_id'];

                    if ( strtolower( $data['map_url'] ) == strtolower( $this->settings['this_url'] ) )
                        $useSkinID = $data['map_skin_set_id'];
                else if ( $data['map_match_type'] == 'contains' )
                    if ( stristr( $this->settings['query_string_real'], $data['map_url'] ) )
                        $useSkinID = $data['map_skin_set_id'];

                    if ( stristr( $this->settings['this_url'], $data['map_url'] ) )
                        $useSkinID = $data['map_skin_set_id'];

        /* Can use with this output format? */
        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            if ( $this->allSkins[ $useSkinID ]['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )
                $useSkinID = FALSE;

        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            IPSDebug::addMessage( "Skin set found via URL remap. Using set #" . $useSkinID );

        return $useSkinID;

     * Attempt to fetch a skin based on APPlication
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT skin ID or FALSE if none found
    private function _fetchSkinByApp()
        $useSkinID = FALSE;
        $file      = IPSLib::getAppDir( IPS_APP_COMPONENT ) . '/extensions/coreExtensions.php';

        if ( is_file( $file ) )
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( $file, 'fetchSkin__' . IPS_APP_COMPONENT, IPS_APP_COMPONENT );

            if ( class_exists( $classToLoad ) )
                $_grabber  = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
                $_grabber->allSkins = $this->allSkins;

                $useSkinID = $_grabber->fetchSkin();

        /* Can use with this output format? */
        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            if ( $this->allSkins[ $useSkinID ]['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )
                $useSkinID = FALSE;

        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            IPSDebug::addMessage( "Skin set found via APP. Using set #" . $useSkinID );

        return $useSkinID;

     * Attempt to fetch a skin based on member's preferences
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT skin ID or FALSE if none found
    private function _fetchSkinByMemberPrefs()
        $useSkinID = ( $this->memberData['member_id'] ) ? intval( $this->memberData['skin'] ) : intval( IPSCookie::get( 'guestSkinChoice' ) );

        if( !$useSkinID )
            $useSkinID  = false;

        /* Make sure it's legal */
        if ( $useSkinID )
            $_test = $this->allSkins[ $useSkinID ];

            if ( $_test['_youCanUse'] !== TRUE )
                $useSkinID = FALSE;

        if( ! $useSkinID )
            $useSkinID = FALSE;

        if ( $useSkinID !== FALSE )
            IPSDebug::addMessage( "Skin set found via member's preferences. Using set #" . $useSkinID );

        return $useSkinID;

     * Attempt to fetch a skin based on default settings
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed       INT skin ID or FALSE if none found
    protected function _fetchSkinByDefault()
        $useSkinID = FALSE;

        /* Got one set by default for this gateway? */
        foreach( $this->allSkins as $data )
            /* Can use with this output format? */
            if ( $data['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )

            /* Is default for our current gateway? */
            if ( $data['set_is_default'] && $this->caches['outputformats'][ $data['set_output_format'] ]['gateway_file'] == IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT )
                $useSkinID = $data['set_id'];

        /* Did we get anything? */
        if ( $useSkinID === FALSE )
            foreach( $this->allSkins as $data )
                /* Can use with this output format? */
                if ( $data['_gatewayExclude'] !== FALSE )

                /* Grab the first HTML one */
                if ( $data['set_output_format'] == 'html' )
                    $useSkinID = $data['set_id'];

        IPSDebug::addMessage( "Skin set not found, setting default. Using set #" . $useSkinID );

        return $useSkinID;

     * Returns a template class; loading if required
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  template name
     * @param   boolean [Test only, TRUE for yes, FALSE for no]
     * @return  mixed   Object, or null
    public function getTemplate( $groupName )
        if ( ! isset( $this->compiled_templates[ 'skin_' . $groupName ] ) || ! is_object( $this->compiled_templates[ 'skin_' . $groupName ] ) )
            // Using self:: so that we can load public
            //  skins inside ACP when necessary

            self::loadTemplate( 'skin_' . $groupName );

        return isset( $this->compiled_templates[ 'skin_' . $groupName ] ) ? $this->compiled_templates[ 'skin_' . $groupName ] : NULL;

     * Returns a replacement (aka macro)
     * @access  public
     * @param   string      Replacement key
     * @return  string      Replacement value
    public function getReplacement( $key )
        if( is_array($this->skin['_replacements']) AND count($this->skin['_replacements']) )
            if ( isset($this->skin['_replacements'][ $key ]) )
                $value = $this->skin['_replacements'] [ $key ];

                if ( strstr( $value, '{lang:' ) )
                    $value = preg_replace_callback( '#\{lang:([^\}]+?)\}#', create_function( '$key', 'return ipsRegistry::getClass(\'class_localization\')->words[$key[1]];' ), $value );
                else if ( strstr( $value, '{time:' ) )
                    $value = preg_replace_callback( '#\{time:([^\}]+?)\}#', create_function( '$key', 'return ipsRegistry::getClass(\'class_localization\')->getDate($key[1], \'LONG\');' ), $value );

                 * Using HTTPS with our link as HTTP and we have a link match?
                 * @link    http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-37285-https-and-easy-logo-changer/
                if ( $this->isHTTPS && strpos( $this->settings['board_url'], 'http://' ) === 0 && strpos( $value, $this->settings['board_url'] ) !== FALSE )
                    $value = str_replace( $this->settings['board_url'], $this->settings['board_url_https'], $value );

                return $value;

     * Load a normal template file from either cached PHP file or
     * from the DB. Populates $this->compiled_templates[ _template_name_ ]
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  Template name
     * @param   integer Template set ID
     * @return  @e void
    public function loadTemplate( $name, $id='' )
        // Make sure we've not already tried to load

        static $attempted   = array();

        if( in_array( md5( $name . $id ), $attempted ) )

        $attempted[]    = md5( $name . $id );

        // Init

        $tags   = 1;
        $loaded = 0;

        // Select ID

        if ( ! $id )
            $id = $this->skin['_skincacheid'];

        // Full name

        $full_name            = $name.'_'.intval($id);
        $skin_global_name     = 'skin_global_'.$id;
        $new_skin_global_name = '';

        $_name            = $name;

        // Already got this template loaded?

        if ( !empty( $this->loaded_templates[ $full_name ] ) )

        // Not running safemode skins?

        if ( $this->_usingSafeModeSkins === FALSE )
            // Simply require and return

            if ( $name != 'skin_global')
                if ( ! ( isset( $this->loaded_templates[ $skin_global_name ] ) && $this->loaded_templates[ $skin_global_name ] ) AND $this->_noLoadGlobal === FALSE )
                    // Suck in skin global..

                    if ( $this->load_template_from_php( 'skin_global', 'skin_global_'.$id, $id ) )
                        $loaded = 1;

                    // Suck in normal file...

                    if ( ! $this->load_template_from_php( $_name, $name.'_'.$id, $id ) )
                        $loaded = 0;
                    // Suck in normal file...

                    if ( $this->load_template_from_php( $_name, $name.'_'.$id, $id ) )
                        $loaded = 1;
                if ( $name == 'skin_global' )
                    // Suck in skin global..

                    if ( $this->load_template_from_php( 'skin_global', 'skin_global_'.$id, $id ) )
                        $loaded = 1;

                    // Suck in normal file...

                    if ( $this->load_template_from_php( $_name, $name.'_'.$id, $id ) )
                        $loaded = 1;

        // safe_mode_skins OR flat file load failed

        if ( ! $loaded )
            // We're using safe mode skins, yippee
            // Load the data from the DB

            $skin_global = "";
            $other_skin  = "";
            $this->skin['_type'] = 'Database Skins';

            if ( $this->loaded_templates[ $skin_global_name ] == "" and $name != 'skin_global'  AND $this->_noLoadGlobal === FALSE )
                // Skin global not loaded...

                $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
                                         'from'   => 'skin_cache',
                                         'where'  => "cache_set_id=".$id." AND cache_value_1 IN ('skin_global', '$name')" ) );


                while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
                    if ( $r['cache_value_1'] == 'skin_global' )
                        $skin_global = $r['cache_content'];
                        $other_skin  = $r['cache_content'];

                if ( empty( $new_skin_global_name ) OR ! class_exists( $new_skin_global_name ) )

                $new_skin_global_name   = $this->_getSkinHooks( 'skin_global', $skin_global_name, $id );

                $this->compiled_templates['skin_global'] =  new $new_skin_global_name( $this->registry );

                # Add to loaded templates
                $this->loaded_templates[ $skin_global_name ] = $new_skin_global_name;
                // Skin global is loaded..

                if ( $name == 'skin_global' and in_array( $skin_global_name, $this->loaded_templates ) )

                // Load the skin, man

                $template   = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
                                                               'from'   => 'skin_cache',
                                                               'where'  => "cache_set_id=".$id." AND cache_value_1='$name'" ) );

                $other_skin = $template['cache_content'];



            if ( $name == 'skin_global' )
                $new_skin_global_name = $this->_getSkinHooks( 'skin_global', $skin_global_name, $id );

                $this->compiled_templates['skin_global']           =  new $new_skin_global_name( $this->registry );

                # Add to loaded templates
                $this->loaded_templates[ $skin_global_name ] = $new_skin_global_name;
                $new_full_name = $this->_getSkinHooks( $name, $full_name, $id );

                if( class_exists( $new_full_name ) )
                    $this->compiled_templates[ $name ]           =  new $new_full_name( $this->registry );

                    # Add to loaded templates
                    $this->loaded_templates[ $full_name ] = $new_full_name;

     * Load the template bit from the PHP file      
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  Name of the PHP file (sans .php)
     * @param   string  Name of the class
     * @param   int     Skin ID
     * @return  boolean
    public function load_template_from_php( $name='skin_global', $full_name='skin_global_0', $id='root' )
        $_NOW = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();

        // IN_DEV?

        if ( IN_DEV )
            // Load functions and cache classes

            if ( ! isset( $this->_skinFunctions ) || ! is_object( $this->_skinFunctions ) )
                require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php' );/*noLibHook*/
                require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php' );/*noLibHook*/

                $this->_skinFunctions = new skinCaching( $this->registry );

            # Load the master skin template
            $this->_skinFunctions->loadMasterSkinTemplate( $name, $id );
            // File exist?


publicOutput.php(3526) : eval()'d code on line 12

Before doing the eval(), output the value of $thisContents and post it here. It contains invalid information.

hey, if anybody have this problem, i recommend to dezactivate all hook and activate manualy, it's 100% from hooks :) i haved this problem and i sloved!

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