So, I installed the recaptcha into my site... and I don't know why it doesn't verify... You can submit the form with out worrying about the code you have to type in so that recaptcha verifies the form.

So... I have a form that shows recaptcha, but it doesn't verify... how do i fix this?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


So, I installed the recaptcha into my site... and I don't know why it doesn't verify... You can submit the form with out worrying about the code you have to type in so that recaptcha verifies the form.

So... I have a form that shows recaptcha, but it doesn't verify... how do i fix this?

You are a smart kid. Can you search this topic on google first than post this question? I feel like you don't want to search it because it's boring and time consuming.

No i attempted it, plus i am still searching, but i can't solve it at this very moment. I found a few things that could've worked but it didn't, I at first thought that my keys were wrong, but they weren't or I pasted their (recaptcha) code wrong... But like i said, I am still searching.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


No i attempted it, plus i am still searching, but i can't solve it at this very moment. I found a few things that could've worked but it didn't, I at first thought that my keys were wrong, but they weren't or I pasted their (recaptcha) code wrong... But like i said, I am still searching.

Nice answer! Just keep searching for couple of more days. If you can't find the answer then post the code.

Well here is my code that I am using for recaptcha:
Here is my private:

  $privatekey = "privatekey";
  $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,


Here is my public:

          $publickey = "publickey";
          echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);

Are these right?

Though this is out of topic, i found this snippet of code that gives me a feeling that the code that I have isn't properly formatted.
I found this code:

<div id="recaptcha_widget" style="display:none">

<div id="recaptcha_image"></div>
<div class="recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol" style="color:red">Incorrect please try again</div>

<span class="recaptcha_only_if_image">Enter the words above:</span>
<span class="recaptcha_only_if_audio">Enter the numbers you hear:</span>

<input type="text" id="recaptcha_response_field" name="recaptcha_response_field" />

<div><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.reload()">Get another CAPTCHA</a></div>
<div class="recaptcha_only_if_image"><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('audio')">Get an audio CAPTCHA</a></div>
<div class="recaptcha_only_if_audio"><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('image')">Get an image CAPTCHA</a></div>

<div><a href="javascript:Recaptcha.showhelp()">Help</a></div>


<script type="text/javascript"
<iframe src=""
height="800" width="250" frameborder="0"></iframe><br>
<textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40">
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field"

And when this was on the site, it showed a message saying that the form wasn't formatted properly... that may set some clues doesn't it?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Are these right?

Can you post the link where you got this code, so I can have a better understand of the code. You know there's a lot of example on this topic.

i get this from eHOW (this specific snippet)
Here is the link: Click Here

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I meant this code what link you got this:

Here is my private:

$privatekey = "privatekey";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,

Here is my public:

$publickey = "publickey";
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);

I am sorry, I got that code from the recaptcha site itself

okay, i will read it and try it out then I'll update my progress!

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