Hello! Me and my friend are developing a website, it's being hosted on 1freehosting
until we finish it (as we dont want to be paying so much money for an unfinished product). since monday the server has been down or something and I can't access the webpage, we have had alot of problems with this host and we want to leave! But it's quite confusing I can't connect, if I ping the website in the cmd I get a 0% loss, and I can connect to the FTP server just fine! But when I visit in browser, I get

Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

And isitup.org also says it's down. I have no clue what to do, it's haulting our development.

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You can continue to develop on local machine? You've contacted the host?

if you have access check your error logs

Ok i'm going to take a look.

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