I'm trying to get the colors to show on my table. I'm not sure how to even start. I was told to make 3 different css classes and work with that, but still not understanding how to do it.

Table on the left is the example. Table on the right is the one I created.


I don't know what you want to dictate what element gets what color. But if you create three different CSS styles you can change the class of a td element:

document.getElementById("234").className = "green_box";

Here is an example of CSS code you would use:

.green_box {background-color:green}
.yellow_box {background-color:yellow}
.red_box {background-color:red}

Assign each cell a unique ID and assign it a class using JavaScript. Or just manually assign the cells the class they should be styled with.

This is what I have in my style.css. I created the .high,.middle,.low classes but how do I add them to the main class to display the colors on the table. The user can enter any numbers in start and end, so the colors have to show no matter what the input is.

body {
    background-color: #87CEEB;

table, th, td {
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: black;
    padding: 5px;
table {
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;
    border-collapse: collapse;

.high {
    background-color: green;

.middle {
    background-color: yellow;

.low {
    background-color: red;

What's your code to create the table cells?

In that code you should add the css class to the cells.

You just need to add <td class="high">378</td>, <td class="low">234</td> etc...

I tred '<td class="high">378</td> and I get the whole table to be green and the whole table has the result 378. Am I placing it in the right place. Below is my loop where I get my results on the table.

for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<tr>';
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                    for (var j = 0; j < last; j++) {
                        MultTbl += '<td>' + (i * (start + j)) + '</td>';
                    MultTbl += '</tr>';


Try something like this:

for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<tr>';
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                    for (var j = 0; j < last; j++) {
                        var val = (i * (start + j));
                        MultTbl += '<td class="' + getValueCss(val) + '">' + val + '</td>';
                    MultTbl += '</tr>';


// Recieves a value and return the css class name
function getValueCss(val) {
    // do something and return some css
    return 'some css name'

That only changed the whole table to green when using the class name high with the correct numbers on the table.

If the function getValueCss always returns 'high', then all cells will be green. In that function you need to code the algorithm that will decide the color.

I got it to show how all the colors, but that is only for 10 and 25. How can I get it to where if I put any number the code should generate the table and set the class of each cell to indicate the relative size of the value. So about a third of the table should have 3 colors. Below is the code that worked for 10 and 25.

About a third of the table should be each color.

function getValueCss(val) {
                    if (val <= 231)
                        return 'high'
                    else if (234 <= val && val <= 360)
                        return 'middle'
                        return 'low'

How about

// @val current cell value
// @max last cell value
function getValueCss(val, max) {

    var d = Math.floor( max / 3 );

    if ( val < d ) {
        return 'low';
    else if ( val < (d*2) ) {
        return 'middle';
    else {
        return 'high';

I tried that and it turned the whole table to red. Where did you get max becuase I don't have any var max. Below are my variables that I have declared for this table.

var start = parseInt(get('start').value);
var end = parseInt(get('end').value);
var last = end - start + 1;
var MultTbl = '<table>'
var val = (i * (start + j));

max = end * last

Thank you for your help.

I got everything right so when I showed the instructor he had me try start: 100 and end 110. It colored the whole table red, is there something I'm missing?

I think the math is a little off there... try this:

//Get our start, end and total number of numbers
var start = parseInt(get('start').value);
var end = parseInt(get('end').value);
var total = end - start;
var val = (i * (start + j));

function getValueCss(val, start, total) {

  //Find out what our two dividers are
  var d = Math.floor( total / 3);
  var low_d = start + d;
  var high_d = low_d + d;

    if ( val <= low_d ) {
        return 'low';
    else if ( val > low_d && val <= high_d) {
        return 'middle';
    else {
        return 'high';

That only colored the whole table green. It worked fine with that math I had there is something thing I'm missing in function getValueCss. It changes to red when I enter numbers like 50 & 60, 100 & 110. It will work if I enter 50 & 100. Table1Table2

Can you post the final code you have?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multiplication Table</title>
        <link href="style.css" rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css"/>
        <h2>Multiplication Table</h2>
            function get(ID) {
                return document.getElementById(ID);

            function MultiplicationTable() {
                var start = parseInt(get('start').value);
                var end = parseInt(get('end').value);
                var last = end - start + 1;
                var MultTbl = '<table>'

                if (start > end) {
                    alert("Invalid Data");
                for (var i = " "; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>'
                    for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                        MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<tr>';
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                    for (var j = 0; j < last; j++) {
                        var val = (i * (start + j));

                        MultTbl += '<td class="' + getValueCss(val) + '">' + val + '</td>';
                    MultTbl += '</tr>';

                function getValueCss(val, max) {
                    max = end * end;
                    var d = (max / 3);
                    if (val < d)
                        return 'high'
                    else if (val < (d * 2))
                        return 'middle'
                        return 'low'

                MultTbl += '</table>';
                get('MultTbl').innerHTML = MultTbl;
            <p align="center">
                <input type="text" id="start"/>
                <input type="text" id="end"/>
            <p align="center">
                <button type="button" onclick="MultiplicationTable()">
                    Generate Table
        id = "MultTbl">

** Below is my stylesheet**

body {
    background-color: #87CEEB;

table, th, td {
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: black;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 5px;
table {
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;
    border-collapse: collapse;

.high {
    background-color: green;

.middle {
    background-color: yellow;

.low {
    background-color: red;

I got it now, but thanks for the help.

The close numbers are multiplying to give you a number outside of the range causing it all to evaluate to your 'high' class:

            function get(ID) {
                return document.getElementById(ID);
            function MultiplicationTable() {
                var start = parseInt(get('start').value);
                var end = parseInt(get('end').value);
                var last = end - start;
                var incr = Math.floor( end / 3);

                var MultTbl = '<table>';
                if (start > end) {
                    alert("Invalid Data");
                for (var i = " "; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                    for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                        MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                    MultTbl += '<tr>';
                    MultTbl += '<th>' + i + '</th>';
                    for (var j = 0; j <= last; j++) {
                        var val = (i * (start + j));
                        MultTbl += '<td class="' + getValueCss(val,start,incr) + '">' + val + '</td>';
                    MultTbl += '</tr>';
                function getValueCss(val,start,incr) {

                    var high_d = start + incr;
                    var low_d = high_d + incr;
                    if (val < high_d)
                        return 'high';
                    else if (val >= high_d && val < low_d)
                        return 'middle';
                         return 'low';
                MultTbl += '</table>';
                get('MultTbl').innerHTML = MultTbl;

Yeah you posted while I was modifying the code lol.... glad you got it working :)

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