hey everyone im posting this in here cause its the only place that seems some what relevant to GeSHI as it uses php5. anyways heres my issue

our forum is IPB 2.1.X if you visit the following link youll clearly see that my responce is wrapped in the quote box as well. this is being caused by some conflict with GeSHI for whatever reason it displays the quote improperly. also when i edit a post or when a user edits their own post that has some one elses reply quoted it changes the closing quote tag. this is what it looks like.

[quote name='Ian' post='2550' date='Apr 22 2006, 09:15 PM']
just finished making my new site.


still a few things to do on it but, just tell me what you think :wave2:

if some one could please help me out that would be great. ive tried other forums and people just ignore the topic and let it get pushed down to the bottom. ive posted other issues here before and daniweb has never failed me once. so i trust some one will reply even if they dont know what could be the problem just to say "hey ive never experienced this before" or something similar.

I'm really confused what you're asking. I don't see a quote anywhere in the snippet you provided. Also, what does this have to do with GeSHI? Are you passing all posts through it?

I'm really confused what you're asking. I don't see a [ /QUOTE] anywhere in the snippet you provided. Also, what does this have to do with GeSHI? Are you passing all posts through it?

exactly in that code i provided it should end with the [/QUOTE] tag not <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEnd-->

it displays <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEnd--> when editing the post not the [/quote] tag

if you read my post in the link my username is campusimpact youll see the quote box. my reply is in that quote box as well. we are using GeSHI Syntax Highlighter. ever since setting it up its cause the quote tag to quote everything when you are quoting some one elses reply. does that make a bit more sense or not really?

I'm familiar with the GeSHI syntax highligher but I have absolutely zero experience with Invision. I'm afraid that's my problem :( The only thing I can think of is that GeSHI's parser is automatically adding <div> tags to do its color coding, and it's causing some incorrectly nested <div> tags somewhere ... causing the <div> which opens the quote area to not close properly where it should.

I know that GeSHI's configuration allows you to set it up using <font> tags or <div> tags ... if I remember correctly. Try turning GeSHI's <div> tag option off and see if that fixes the problem. Otherwise, play around with GeSHI's configuration and actually set it up to parse your posts, but not to change any of the font or color coding. This way you'll know whether the problem is in running your posts through GeSHI in the first place or in something GeSHI is doing to alter your posts' output, screwing something up.

alright thanks cscgal we shall give that suggestion a shot. ill report back in a bit to let ya know if that worked or not. thanks! :)

Perhaps you should send the entire post to Geshi to be highlighted.
Parse your text, find whatever is inside the code tags, then send only that text to be parsed with Geshi.

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