Hi guys,

I'm facing a weird problem with our Trustico Certificate.

We have a webshop with customers that are logging in to make purchases of different products, all of this works nice untill the user changes his/her DATE on the Computer that he/she is using.

If the date is changed on logout, the client is logged back in automatically with a specific user.

Really cant find the problem behind this...

    ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.myDomain.com');
    $cookie_name = 'authName';
    $sessionName = session_name();
    $sessionCookie = session_get_cookie_params();


    setcookie($sessionName, false, $sessionCookie['lifetime'], $sessionCookie['path'], $sessionCookie['domain'], $sessionCookie['secure']); 

        setcookie ($cookie_name, 'xx=&xx=', 1,"/");

    $cookie_name = 'cookieName';
    $sessionCookie = session_get_cookie_params();
    setcookie($sessionName, false, $sessionCookie['lifetime'], $sessionCookie['path'], $sessionCookie['domain'], $sessionCookie['secure']);
        setcookie ($cookie_name, 'xx=&xx=&id', 1,"/");
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We have a webshop with customers that are logging in to make purchases of different products, all of this works nice untill the user changes his/her DATE on the Computer that he/she is using.

This issue deals more with the browser than with the php code because I don't see anything wrong with your code.

Read this:


The weird problem came from the lack of session_start();


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