i'm going to develop a new website using php programming.Let me know what are the basic needs to upgrade my website development.please help me any one..

Thanks for your response

PHP works in paraelle / conjunction with HTML so essentially you will use it along side it, not "develop a new site using php".

If you're using a "Hosting" provider, then, they will tend to have PHP/MYSQL installed on their servers, however, if you are using your own computer then you can download apache/php/mysql .. If this is the case, what operating system are you working on?

Let me know what are the basic needs to upgrade my website development

PHP lets you program dynamic websites. You'll need to know HTML and CSS. You should be familiar with C syntax. If you want database-driven applications, you need to be familiar with Structured Query Language (SQL), and a database management system (DBMS) such as MySQL. You need a server that runs PHP.
You should become familiar with php.net, as it has a great manual and documentation for the language. Tutorials for codings in PHP are available all over the Web.

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I'm going to develop a new website using php programming.Let me know what are the basic needs to upgrade my website development.please help me any one..

Learning PHP and MYSQLi. Once you understand the basic and start practicing. You can installed one of these package EasyPHP or WAMP or XAMPP to run or test your website.

If you are going to develop a rich internet aplication you will need, at least:

  1. To create the User Interfe:
    1.1. HTML
    1.2. CSS
    1.3. JavaScript
  2. To handle the user requests and process data on the server:
    2.1. PHP
    2.2. MySQL, or another database

Talking about concepts, you could use knowdloge of, but most are not pre-requisites:
1. Client-Server Aplication
2. Object Oriented Programing
3. Relational DataBase

Before you continue Php you should have a basic understanding of the following:
I think this is your first step to enter.

Basically you need to learn
1. This one is for UI (user interface)
-HTML and Javascript or CSS

you can embed PHP to HTML(note: you must be familiar with C language or any other related programming languages like Ruby etc...if you know any other programming languages it'll be easy for you)

you'll need to have a server/Apache (XAMPP/WAMP for Localhost) and of course if you're going to create system that requires a database. probably you need to learn MySQL or any other available databases.

Read tutorials over the net or from books (But i prefered over the net, books might get outdated someday)


commented: "note: you must be familiar with C language or any other related programming languages like Ruby etc...if you know any other programming languages it'll be easy for you" -1

If you waant to make good web design then you will need to learn

CSS 3.0

for web page creation.

And for database oriented website,you will need to learn any programming language with database server support.

You can go to PHP with MySql and Wamp server to test your ability in php.

I agree with the others: its easier learning when you work it into an existing site...

Personally, I learnt PHP through tampering with opensource projects. You definately need HTML, CSS and maybe JavaScript but jalpesh has named all the languages to make the best sites. I use XAMPP and its a great suite!!! Perfect for learners!

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