what is the use of place holder in asp.net visual studio 2010?

A placeholder can be replaced with content at run-time. It just marks the position.

The PlaceHolder control is used to stores dynamically added server controls on the Web page.

yes thank u all.

Place Holder is the workspace where you can place your content.This is usually used in master page of an website. master page is a page which act as a template or a constant page design for your entire website.once you created a master page then you can add 'N' nos of pages to the site by simply add content page with the same design.Eg. Header content,footer content,Advertisement area these are all common to the entire site so it usally comes in master page apart from this you must need a content place holder for your webpage contents because it differs from page to page. you better see www.asp.net and www.3schools.com

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