Hello Daniweb Univere,

I am looking for a good program to use to store several dozen text documents, make them searchable, and ideally, allow me to link to specific lines of the document. I imagine there are programs like this, I have just been unable to find them.

Any suggestions and help going on the right direction would be much appreciated.


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When you say text documents - are they plain text, rich text?

Plain text, but with titles and publication dates. Perhaps minimal formatting.

Member Avatar for diafol

No, I mean file format. Are they plain text e.g. Notepad txt fiels etc or are they like Word documents?

Yes, I am aware of how to do the specific tasks in php, but I am sure I am not the first person who has tried to do this. I was curious if their was a project or program that is freely available, that has been in development for years, to help me complete the task.

Member Avatar for diafol

file_get_contents in a directory loop sounds pretty straightforward to me.

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