Is anyone running Ruby on Rails on an Imac G4 or G5? Im on a tight budget right now and dont wanna spend more than I have to. Are either of these models working for anyone? If youre not using them, could I still use either one of these models?

An easy way is to try it out. What RoR version you want to install? If the newest version (3.2), you may need many more software (gems) to go with. You will need Ruby v.1.9.3 and a database software (PostgreSql or MySql). If your computer does not support any that required in running one, you could try to down version of RoR to 2.3.x which requires Ruby v.1.8.7 instead but still the same database software. However, this version will require much less associated software (gems) than version 3.x. Do not go lower than RoR version 2.3.x because they are outdated and will be much more difficult to find tutorial/support whenever you have questions.

One thing to remember, the syntax of RoR version 2.x and 3.x are somewhat different in certain functionalities. The syntax of RoR version 1.2.x and 2.x aren't that much different.

I may be better off just getting a newer Mac. I dont want to have to worry about RoR versions and gems. I wonder how far down the Mac model line I can go in order to not have to be concerned with installing more gems and using specific versions. Do you know by chance?

I am sorry, I don't know the answer for that. The reason is that I don't know much about Mac. I would love to get one but right now I am using Linux. :(

Well thank you. You still helped a lot.

Taywin I was just wondering how long youve been using Ruby on Rails.

I started working with it since late 2007. I started with version 1.2.6. Currently, my work is using 2.3.x but have my own hobbies (projects) using 3.x.

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