this question is related to
http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/threads/189876/populate-text-field-from-drop-down-list Discussions seems to be closed.
First of all, thank yor Mr Airshow for the code. With some changes, I could greatly improve my project! Still a few months old in the computer field, but with lots of energy!
This question is to whoever can help though:) Could not skip my appreciattion for those who help us during our rough start...

The question: how to display the actual form inside an iframe? (1) I have tried so many things for 3 full days and I can't get it to be displayed in the iframe. The result ("data successfully sent...") of the form (using TARGET) shows in the iframe. The form itself is still outside.
Any clue on how to open the form inside the iframe?
Thank you in advance for you time.

*(1) For those who didn't open the link or don't have time: drop down hidden list (with some options of course). Every option, once clicked on, opens a specifc form. Forms pop right after of the drop down list, pushing content of the web to go further down. Trying to get the form inside the iframe.

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(1) For those who didn't open the link or don't have time: drop down hidden list (with some options of course). Every option, once clicked on, opens a specifc form. Forms pop right after of the drop down list, pushing content of the web to go further down. Trying to get the form inside the iframe.

You need to post at least what you done so far. Airshow code only show dropdown list. The code Airshow wrote doesn't have a <iframe> tags in it so you need to post what you done so far.

To display your form in an iframe, you must first put the form onto a page and save it.. let call it form.html. Then you must link that page to the iframe.

<iframe id="something" border="0" width="500px" height="500px" src="form.html"></iframe>

Hope this helps

I found a tutorial here. Thank you for replies. It's a script that sends from from dropdown meny to iframe.
Thank you again.

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