Hi i have a table Users which have a field "score" to store the current score of the game. Now lets say the user have played a level and has obtain a highest score. So it should update it in the DB. How will i do this comparison? the highest score is store in the variable current score. i need to compare if currentscore>score(in the table) -> then update the field. Anyone can help? it should be in php code

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I have a field dbscore in my database and it it an array of 5(5 level). lets say i have a new score for level 3. I want to update that score in the database for that particular level. the code below is updating the values but i think it's not correct since the dbscore is an array. Can someone help?

$score is my new score.

mysql_query("UPDATE score SET dbscore='$score' WHERE name='$name'");
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