hai everybody,

i need help in multiple true if condition

IF (condition 1 is true)

return false;
(condition 2 is true)
return false;
(condition 3 is true)
return false;


this syntax working only one condition is true.

more than one condition is true meand excute only first statemnt

i want to more than one true condition execute all the fucntion

plz help me.

Troy III commented: A concize working code demo has been given to you - you need to say "THANK YOU!" and mark your thread as "Solved!" -2

this syntax working only one condition is true

function yourfunction(){
   if(condition 1 is true)$('.cCal').css('border-color','red');
   if(condition 2 is true)$('.cCal2').css('border-color','red');
   if(condition 3 is true)$('.cCal3').css('border-color','red');
return false;
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