
i have a problem in passing multiple checkbox values.

the page displays records (pending invoices). each record has a checkbox on the last column. the user must check the boxes of the records he/she wishes to update.

 <%do while rs.eof%>
  <td>nth record's field1</td>
  <td>nth record's field2</td>
  <td>input type='checkbox' value='nth record's field3 (variable to be passed'></td>

below the table is an update button. if the user clicks it, the variables will be passed into a popup. the user will choose whether to put the records in the group of printed or cancelled ones.

i cud not fix the error on the page:sad:. i hope u cud help me solve this problem. i've been working on it for some time now.

thank u in advance. more power to u & to daniweb.


i cud not fix the error on the page

what error?

<%do while rs.eof%>
<td>nth record's field1</td>
<td>nth record's field2</td>
<td>input type='checkbox' value='nth record's field3 (variable to be passed'></td>

You must put the CheckBoxes in a Form and must provide the same name to all the check boxes. Then on the next page you will have the collection of checkboxex which were checked. Your code on the next page will be

For each CheckedItem in Request.Form("checkBoxName")
'do what ever u want
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