Hi, can wamp or xampp server work on zinox 64bit? Where can I get a setup or server version that works for zinox. I need help urgently pls... Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi, can wamp or xampp server work on zinox 64bit?

Is it window? Another words what is the operating system?

Both wamp and xampp work on window.

What is your OS?

I believe that if it is windows, you just simply download it and follow the installation. I am not familiar with "Zinox".

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I am not familiar with "Zinox".

It's a computer technology (product) company it's based in Nigeria. I never heard of it til now.

It should work in windows.

Thanks guys. Let me be specific: Zinox is a computer company based in lagos, they do a lot liasing with Nigeria Communications Commission on many of their products.

I am now using thier (Zinox) Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1, 64-bit.

The Challenge I have is, none of Wamp or Xampp that I have installed is working correctly, especially Apache service not running. The error message i get sometimes talks of Port 80 and one other Port already in use.

If any one is using same product he should try if it works he/she then can help email me the wamp or Xampp setup that is working; or, if you know how to free such ports like Port 80 so that these servers can use (in case that is why they are not working).

Thanks, waiting any urgent help pls.

i get sometimes talks of Port 80 and one other Port already in use.

Most likely because either IIS or Skype is running.

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