I have a table called vw_results which holds the result profile for a particular student:

idNum |courseUnit | marks | Gpp | grade| id | semseterID | sessionName

06/021|   2       | 47    | 8   |  B+  | 1  |   1        |  2010/11
06/021|   3       | 56    | 7   |  C   | 1  |   1        |  2010/11
.     |   4       | 34    | 5   |  C   | 1  |   1        |  2010/11
.     |   5       | 34    | 0   |  F   | 1  |   1        |  2010/11
.     |   2       | 89    | 10  |  A   | 1  |   2        |  2010/11
.     |   3       | 45    | 4   |  D   | 1  |   2        |  2010/11
.     |   4       | 56    | 10  |  C   | 1  |   2        |  2010/11
.     |   2       | 67    | 12  |  B+  | 2  |   1        |  2011/12
.     |   1       | 70    | 15  |  A   | 2  |   1        |  2011/12
.     |   2       | 80    | 10  |  A   | 2  |   2        |  2011/12
.     |   3       | 90    | 5   |  A   | 2  |   2        |  2011/12

I have a form that uses two select boxes named sessionID and semesterID and the form uses a GET method, part of the php code is


#To calculate the GPA


$query="SELECT SUM( vwr.courseUnit ) cummUnit, SUM( vwr.GPP ) cummGPP, (
SUM( vwr.GPP ) / SUM( vwr.courseUnit ))cummGPA
FROM vw_result vwr
WHERE vwr.Grade NOT IN ('F') AND vwr.sessionID=".$_GET['sessionID']." AND vwr.semesterID=".$_GET['semesterID'].";" 

supposing I want to calculate the CGPA cummmulatively such that when $_GET['sessionID']=1 and $_GET['semesterID']=2

<?php echo $row_query['cummGPA']; ?>

using the vw_result table, the result shoud be

|2.444  |

also if $_GET['sessionID']=2 and $_GET['semesterID']=1
then, the result should be:

|3.381  |

if $_GET['sessionID']=2 and $_GET['semesterID']=2

|3.301  |

any suggestions on what SQL statement can be used using the vw_result table above to get the answers of cummGPA as shown above?

You need a GROUP BY, probably on idNum.

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