can any body provide me with a simple example of how insert and retrieve pictures along with text from mysql, kinda like when you post something in craigslist u add information about what ever you are selling and pictures, i would appreciate it, thank you in advance.

This has been done time and time again.

Have you tried using the search function in the forum?

There are plenty of examples

i did but i cant find the right example, can you past an example here for me, thank you

Member Avatar for diafol

i did but i cant find the right example, can you past an example here for me, thank you

I think your search skills with a text box would be as good as ours.

You have to consider if you want to store your images as files in a directory or if you want to store them directly in the db in a blob field.
Also if you need to format the text, you may wish to consider using a wysiwyg editor like CKEditor ( or TinyMCE or myriad others.

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