Do anyone here knows flex builder?
I'm a beginner in this language. I have written a code for cloudstack api request and signature generation using hmac to authenticate the user account. here the command is 'listzones'. The output will be in xml shwing the list of zones available in the cloudstack i have installed. No error is showing while compiling. But when i run, the browser opens blank. The url is correct, ie it includes alla the commands and parameters and also the signature is genetated. I can see it in the url.But the orginal output is xml command it is not showing. the page is simply left blank. Can anyone help me?

the url generated will like as below:

The signature generated may vary each time.

The code is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:ns1="*">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
import com.adobe.crypto.HMAC;
import com.adobe.crypto.SHA1;
import com.adobe.utils.StringUtil;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;
import mx.utils.StringUtil;
private var urlAPI:String;
private var commandString:String;
private var apiKey:String;
private var apiKeyString:String;
private var secretKey:String = "-kgkBuBUrGFeIC4gUvngSK_3Ypmi7fuF8XdVXIusnyyiEP2YUcG3FnPUGJGy3rp3Bw5ZNnqgS-9tIfyV1QnK1g";
private var signature:String;
private var urlRequestString:String
private var encryptedString:String = "";
private var encryptedByteArray:String = "";
private function generateRequest():void
    urlAPI = "";
    commandString = "command=listZones";
    apiKey = "";
    apiKey = encodeURI(apiKey.toLowerCase());
    apiKeyString = "apiKey=" + apiKey;
    signature = generateSignature();
    urlRequestString = urlAPI +"?"+commandString+"&"+apiKeyString+"&signature="+signature;// "command=listZones&apiKey=Qo9Qwfatwz9ARB328Btn9PftzL2Cf5LOWd8OFyJmiM513tpTIm-zKxJoWkWqf353Df397xcLdKXGk8_JO8nM3Q&signature=Lxx1DM40AjcXU%2FcaiK8RAP0O1hU%3D";
    var urlRequestObj:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlRequestString);
private function generateSignature():String
    var tempSignature:String = apiKey +"&"+commandString;
    tempSignature = tempSignature.toLowerCase();
    return hashMessage(tempSignature,secretKey);
private function hashMessage(message:String, secretKey:String):String
    var algorithm:Object = SHA1;
    var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
    if(message.length > 0)
        encryptedString = HMAC.hash(secretKey,message,algorithm);
        var messageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
        encryptedByteArray = HMAC.hashBytes(getByteArray(),messageBytes,algorithm);
    return encoder.toString();      
private var byteArray:ByteArray;
private function  getByteArray():ByteArray
        byteArray = new ByteArray();
    return byteArray;
<s:Button x="102" y="64" label="Button" click="generateRequest()"/>
<ns1:CloudInterfaceComp x="196" y="213">
Member Avatar for LastMitch

The url is correct, ie it includes alla the commands and parameters and also the signature is genetated. I can see it in the url.But the orginal output is xml command it is not showing. the page is simply left blank. Can anyone help me?

This address is local:

Try test it on a host server meaning on your actual website.

but when i use python, it works!! The same address is i'm using.In python the response is generated in xml format.. like

 This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<listzonesresponse cloud-stack-version="">

when I execute flex program i'm getting the response like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<listzonesresponse cloud-stack-version=""><errorcode>401</errorcode><errortext>unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature</errortext></listzonesresponse>
Member Avatar for LastMitch

but when i use python, it works!! The same address is i'm using.In python the response is generated in xml format.. like

I assume you are using some sort of Python framework like this:

I don't think you understand my question.

This address is local:

meaning it's on your computer.

This is an example of a website using python:

As you can see it's an actual website address not a local address:

Also take a look at this:

no im using python 27 and the output url is correct. i think there might be some error in the encoding area in the flex code but i can't identify the problem. can you please check the encoding area in this code???

Member Avatar for LastMitch

i think there might be some error in the encoding area in the flex code but i can't identify the problem. can you please check the encoding area in this code???

I did. Did you read the link I provided? There's code you need to implement to your code.

Thank you so much for the link :) let me try..

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