I created a small table with one entrey with three columns but I can't get it to show up in my php code. I'm not really doing anything with the form variables right now I'm mainly focused on getting the code below that to query my SQLite DB.

// get variable from html form
$fName = $_POST['fname'];
$lName = $_POST['lname'];
$address = $_POST['email'];

$db = sqlite_open('./ET')
        $result = sqlite_query($db, 'select * from customers');
        echo $result;

Line 8, change it to:

if($db = sqlite_open('./ET'))

I suppose ET is the name of the database file.

Here's a code snippet for SQLite2 and SQLite3.

Line 8 has no semi-colon, or if as cereal mentions. You need to fetch from the result.

I've revised the code but it's still showing a blank page. And yes, et is the database.

echo "<html>";

// get variable from html form
$fName = $_POST['fname'];
$lName = $_POST['lname'];
$address = $_POST['email'];

if($db = sqlite_open('./et', 0666, "$error_message"))
$result = sqlite_query($db, 'select * from customers');
echo "$result";
echo "hello world!";
echo "</html>";

Body tag is missing in the output, and you're still not fetching from the result.

I added the body tags, it hepled nothing. I didn't think that was it.

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