Hello everyone !!

I need some help with jquery toggle :D . So , I have 2 left bars (one for login , one for register ) but they can be toggled on simultaneos and that is not good ( 1- don't make sense 2- don't look good ) . I was searching for a solution but can't find one , probably didn't search with the good words . Can someone give me a solution ?

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I need some help with jquery toggle :D . So , I have 2 left bars (one for login , one for register ) but they can be toggled on simultaneos and that is not good ( 1- don't make sense 2- don't look good ) . I was searching for a solution but can't find one , probably didn't search with the good words . Can someone give me a solution ?


Can you least post some code and explaining why

1- don't make sense

2- don't look good?

Does that make sense to you when someone just post this to you:

I need some help with jquery toggle :D . So , I have 2 left bars (one for login , one for register ) but they can be toggled on simultaneos and that is not good ( 1- don't make sense 2- don't look good ) . I was searching for a solution but can't find one , probably didn't search with the good words . Can someone give me a solution ?

Can you at least give me a explantion why you post what you post?

As mentioned, either provide the relevant code (please don't post hundreds of line of non revalent code), a link to the site, or a link to your code on jsfiddle.

        $('#sub-meniu-contulmeu').toggle( "slide" , 500);
    }); // sfarsit click user manage
        $('#forma-inregistrare').toggle( "slide" , 500);
    }); // sfarsit click register
        $('#forma-autentificare').toggle( "slide" , 500);
    }); // sfarsit click login
}); // sfarsit jquery

<nav id='contulmeu'>
    <li><span class='meniu-ico'><a>Contul meu</a></span></li>
    <li><span class='inregistrare-ico'><a>Inregistrare</a></span></li>
    <li><span class='autentificare-ico'><a>Autentificare</a></span></li>

Code added . .

@LastMitch , I was thinking I was so clear , I have toggles on my webpage and they can be opened simultaneously and this is not I want , everyone knows what is a jquery toggle and how it works .. I was thinking the code is unnecesary because i expect that is so simple , like : You should add to your toggle the option close-when-other-open (just an example)

before toggle use should add stop(true,true) to avoid that

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