Hi all im having problem publishing the project to the server.
The problem its some instruction ot giving Cant "find part of the path", other work fine.
Any ideas what can it be??

Best Regards

The server is with your webhosting company or is this a server on your network? Can you provide the exact scenario on what you were doing and the exact error message?

If this site is with a hosting company, have you tried using their FTP services and just copy the files rather than using the "publish" process in Visual Studio?

yes i use upoload directly to the server this one is in the same network

SO the problem iis on itextsharp when i try getting the image from the path
server.mappath, it always removes the website server folder and give the erro cant find full path.

error "e:\www\image\image.png" in this is missing the wesite folder name, but the function its working and giving the right path.

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