
I am trying to create an administrator login page with CI, how to do so?

I do not know what to write in view, model and controllers. Please help.

Thanks in advance.

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I do not know what to write in view, model and controllers. Please help.


You need to show some effort on your part and post what code you have done so far?

I have CI on my server and I don't touch it much but what you are asking is very simple.

It's no different than any php code.


This is what I have so far.





<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
/* Author: Jorge Torres
* Description: Login model class
class Login_model extends CI_Model{
    function __construct(){

    public function validate(){
        // grab user input
        $username = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('username'));
        $password = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('password'));

        // Prep the query
        $this->db->where('username', $username);
        $this->db->where('password', $password);

        // Run the query
        $query = $this->db->get('users');
        // Let's check if there are any results
        if($query->num_rows() == 1)
            // If there is a user, then create session data
            $row = $query->row();
            $data = array(
                    'userid' => $row->userid,
                    'fname' => $row->fname,
                    'lname' => $row->lname,
                    'username' => $row->username,
                    'validated' => true
            return true;
        // If the previous process did not validate
        // then return false.
        return false;


<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
/* Author: Jorge Torres
* Description: Login controller class
class Login extends CI_Controller{

    function __construct(){

    public function index(){
        // Load our view to be displayed
        // to the user

     public function process(){
        // Load the model
        // Validate the user can login
        $result = $this->login_model->validate();
        // Now we verify the result
        if(! $result){
            // If user did not validate, then show them login page again
            // If user did validate,
            // Send them to members area


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'>
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>

    <title>Jotorres Login Screen | Welcome </title>
    <div id='login_form'>
        <form action='<?php echo base_url();?>login/process' method='post' name='process'>
            <h2>User Login</h2>
            <br />            
            <label for='username'>Username</label>
            <input type='text' name='username' id='username' size='25' /><br />

            <label for='password'>Password</label>
            <input type='password' name='password' id='password' size='25' /><br />                            

            <input type='Submit' value='Login' />            

Please help me correct incorrect data. Thanks.

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