hlo, i have a code... plz tell through this how to show table data from mysql?
tell me the sql query or code and the location where i will insert that



class Customers

private $name;

private $id;

private $desc;

private $con;

public function __construct($name,$desc)

   $this -> name = $name;
   $this-> desc = $desc;
   $this -> con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
   $this -> db  = mysql_select_db('cust');

public function insertData($desc_tbl)

   $sql = " insert into $desc_tbl values (NULL,'".$this->name."','".$this->desc."');";
   $res = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<center>Record Inserted</center><br>";

$res = mysql_query("SELECT name,desc FROM desc_tbl");


public function deleteData($id)
    $sql = " delete from desc_tbl";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<center>Record Deleted</center><br>";

public function fetchData($id,$name,$desc)
    $sql = " select * from desc_tbl";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<center>Data is</center><br>";


public function updateData($desc_tbl,$name,$desc,$id)
    $sql = " update desc_tbl set name='$name' , desc='$desc'";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<center>Record Updated</center><br>";



$name = "John";
$desc ="Test Desc";
$id = "6";

$c = new Customers($name,$desc);
echo $c->insertData("desc_tbl");

//$c =new Customers($name,$desc,$id);
//echo $c->deleteData("desc_tbl");



change your fetchData method

public function fetchData()
    $sql = " select * from desc_tbl";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);

    $data = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
        $data[] = $row;

    retrun $data;


in your test.php

you can then create a table that will echo out the fetchData()

Also this isn't as much related to your original post but I noticed this or something similar appears in almost all your functions:

$res = mysql_query($sql);

I'm not entirely sure what your logic is here but this is essentially calling mysql_query() once to run an SQL query, and then attempting to call it again but passing a resultset instead of an SQL query, which at best will not do anything. You may need to look up specific examples for how to run a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc query in PHP. Generally speaking INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries you run mysql_query() and then mysql_affected_rows() to check if the change was successful. With SELECT queries you run mysql_query() and then run functions like mysql_num_rows($result) to get the number of rows and mysql_fetch_assoc($result) to fetch a row. Poster above me showed an example of mysql_fetch_assoc() to fetch multiple rows of data.

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