hey guys, so im trying to display data from my database into a table but i got this error :

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\CashFlow\balance_report.php on line 45


require "connect.php";

    $name = $_SESSION['name'];
    $query=("SELECT * FROM asset WHERE name = $name");

    echo "<b><center>Asset</center></b></br>";


        echo "<table border='1'>
                <td>House : $house</td>
                <td>Vehicle <dfn>(Car,Motorcycle etc)</dfn> : $vehicle</td>
                <td>Current Account : $current</td>
                <td>Savings Account : $savings</td>
                <td>KWSP : $kwsp</td>
                <td>Tabung Haji : $haji</td>
                <td>ASB : $asb</td>
                <td><b>Stock : $stock</b></td>
                <td><b>Property : $property</b></td>
                <td><b>Others</b> : $others</td>
                <td><b>Total</b> : $total</td>


what am i doing wrong?

You must use single quote around $name

"SELECT * FROM asset WHERE name = '$name'"

You shouldn't use mysql_* functions, since they are deprecated. Use mysqli_* or mysql_pdo.

The problem is likely with your query. Have you tried the query manually to see what the results are?

I agree with JorgeM, use mysqli or PDO.

With this though, you should be checking for errors as well.

$result=mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

thanks urtrivedi. i added the single quotes and it executed perfectly. jorgeM i'll try mysqli in the future. thanks for the input guys.

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