
I am trying to upload picture in php and then appears this message file permission problem:

File upload failed - please check your permissions for 'E:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/images/uploads/'.

Then, I try to set the file permission by uncheck the Read only button through file - properties - GUI interface. Yet after I apply it the file permission start the bouches back by checking the Read only combo box again. I wonder why?

I am using Win 7 by the way.

Restart service (xampp) after any configuration changes.
(Did help?)

no, it doesn't help. The result remains the same.

Did you try altering the permissions under Properties > Security?

You can also try using CHMOD by opening the terminal through the XAMPP control panel

Can you use CHMOD in Windows 7 ? (my os is Windows 7).

Btw. I am using WAMP and had no problems this kind so far.

I believe if you open a Shell through the XAMPPP Control Panel you can use linux commands. My XAMPP isn't working for some reason right now so I can't check.

The problem is I'm using win 7 & if I alter the version of XAMPP or change it to WAMPP then the programs start to error.

This is funny, I am stuck on file permission. My computer and the web server is running under Win 7 and Win server.

I am using XAMPP 1.5.3a if I switch it to another XAMPP version the program start to turn to error.

What might cause the file permission error? and how to fix it?

try running the following command on the cmd.exe window
icacls E:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\images\uploads\ /grant administrator:(F) /t
(repalce administrator with the user that runs XAMPP: usually SYSTEM).

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