Hello All:

I am using a div to simulate a checkbox effect; thus, with each click of the div, my jquery displays a different option (in my case: whether the user wants to select a Monthly or Yearly Subscription).

The Jquery code:

$(document.body).ready(function () {
    $(function () {

      var main_obj_id = 'on_off';
      var on_class = 'on_off_on';// means Monthly
      var off_class = 'on_off_off';  //means Yearly      

        $('#' + main_obj_id).click(function () {
              if ($(this).is('.' + on_class)) {


              } else {



The Html:

        <div id="on_off" class="on_off_on" style="cursor:pointer" >Yearly</div>

Again, on the html, with each click of the div, the value toogles between Monthly and Yearly.

Now, my question: how can I post during my form submission the value of the selection (Monthly -defined in js as: var on_class = 'on_off_on'; and Yearly --defined in JS as: var off_class = 'on_off_off';) ?

Any thoughts on this appreciated!

Use a hidden input <input type="hidden" value="" /> in your form and then set the value of the input with jQuery.

Use a hidden input <input type="hidden" value="" /> in your form and then set the value of the input with jQuery.

strange.... not sure why that posted twice. Sorry about that.

Resolved! final solution:

$(document.body).ready(function () {
function showSelectionMthly()
            $(function() {
            $( "#dialog" ).dialog();

    function showSelectionYrly()
            $(function() {
            $( "#dialog2" ).dialog();


    $(function () {

      var main_obj_id = 'on_off';
      var on_none = '';// means Monthly
      var on_class = 'monthly';// means Monthly
      var off_class = 'yearly';  //means Yearly      

        $('#' + main_obj_id).click(function () {

        if ($(this).is('.' + on_class)) {
        $('#opt').val(on_none);// pass value to hidden textbox
        $(this).html('Select Subscription');
              if ($(this).is('.' + on_class)) {
                 $('#opt').val(on_class);// pass value to hidden textbox
                 var vartxt = $(this).html("<b>Monthly</b>");
                  //alert("Have Selected " + vartxt + " subscription billed @");// pass value to hidden textbox



              else {
                 $('#opt').val(off_class);// pass value to hidden textbox
                 //alert("Have Selected " + off_class + " subscription billed @");// pass value to hidden textbox



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