I have this <divs> that cannot read the end </divs> and when i erase the php that is in between them it works perfect..
heres the php
(when i say read i mean when u click in div in notepad++ they both <div></div> highlight , is just i dont know how u guys say it... )
i mainly speak spanish so sorry for my bad english


        if (file_exists($rand1.$rand2.$imgname)) {
        echo      '<img id=imagen src="'.$rand1.$rand2.$imgname .'" >';

        echo '<br><div class="fb-like" data-href="http://example.com/fotos/foto'
        .$random1.$random2.$fotonamesinextension.'.php" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true"></div>';

        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<div style="margin-top:70px;" class="fb-comments" 
        data-href="http://example.com/fotos/foto' .$random1.$random2.$fotonamesinextension.'.php" 
        data-numposts=5 data-colorscheme=light></div>';


        else {    
        echo '<div id="cargaexitosa">';
        echo  '<font color=green>Carga exitosa, verificaremos la imagen y pronto estara en linea! Gracias por compartir con nosotros! :)</font>';
        echo '</div>';

    </div> <!-- this div cannot be readed  -->
    </div> <!-- neither this one -->

Any ideas? Thanks!

Notepad++ will not be able to detect it, but not all the time. A good IDE like NetBeans is capable of detecting those embedded <div> tags.

Notepad++ can surely detect this type of coding technique.


function doSomething(){

return array('home'=>'Home', 'about'=>'About','contact'=>'Contact');


function doItAgain(){

return array('Home','About','Contact');


 $x = doSomething();
 $y = doItAgain();


    <li> <?php echo $x['home'];?> </li>
    <li> <?php echo $x['about'];?> </li>
    <li> <?php echo $x['contact'];?> </li>

    <!-- second group of codes here -->


and this one, it won't be able to ..


    <!-- notepad++ will not be able to detect codes below -->
    foreach($y as $item){
    echo '<li>'.$item.'</li>';

    echo '</ul>';

Change your br tags <br />
You really don't need brake tags after div's.. divs are block elements. If you want spacing between div's you should use CSS styling.
Looks like you are missing a forward slash in your href.
<font> is not really used anymore. should use CSS style for this. You could use <span style="color:green;"><span> instead of <font>

The div that can not be read, Where is the opening div? Need to see all the code for the section.

Member Avatar for diafol


In addition to some comments above, I would suggest writing plain html and adding bits of php as opposed to the other way around... An example...

    //...other code (I assume)

    $src = $rand1.$rand2.$imgname;
    $url = "http://example.com/fotos/foto$random1$random2$fotonamesinextension.php";

<!doctype html> 
        margin-top: 70px;       
        color: green;   
<div> <!-- I'm assuming that there must be an outer open div tag somewhere -->
    <div> <!-- also assuming that this exists somewhere -->

        if (file_exists($src)) {            
        <img id="imagen" src="<?php echo $src;?>" />
        <div class="fb-like" data-href="<?php echo $url;?>" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true">
        <div class="fb-comments" class="fb-comments" data-href="<?php echo $url;?>" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="light">
        } else {    
        <div id="cargaexitosa">
            <p class="green">Carga exitosa, verificaremos la imagen y pronto estara en linea! Gracias por compartir con nosotros! :)</p>

    </div> <!-- this div cannot be readed  -->
</div> <!-- neither this one -->


I generally don't like mixing so much php and html and try to keep them as separate as possible. If you find that you're doing a lot of it, you may consider templating.

Yes there are oppening divs and more code i just didnt wantd to bored u with all the code as i thought the php was the problem.. but after reading veedeo reply i cheq if the divs still work property , it works property anyways it just won hightlight so im thinking is notepad++, but thanks every one, will update my code as u guys sugested , Thanks

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