I need to know how to populate a dropdownlist and how do i put a title/heading above my listbox? i've been trying and my listbox heading just keep sitting next to listbox.. Ooh! almost forgot how to insert groupview

I would say that you have too many questions without providing any detail/sample code, etc...

You should consider dedicating one thread per question.. My suggestion is to start with your first question.

I need to know how to populate a dropdownlist

You can do this from the dropdown list control in your design view by attaching a data source to it, or you can do it from your code behind page say on Page Load. Or you can simply provide the drowndown list with a static list of entries on the control itself in the aspx page.

What do you want to populate this control with? static data, data from a datasource (XML file, database table)?

Static data, let say i have a dropdownlist with bread and milk and when a user select milk the other dropdownlist must populate the types of milk maybe provide the user options like full cream milk, or low fat milk, or fat free milk..

For this type of population it is better to use the cascadingdropdownlist using ajax control tool kit

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