Hey guys, I have a script that switches between tabs..It works perfectly, but what i am needing is a way for the script to stop when I have my mouse on the tab or content for the tab. I am using bootstrap and here is my fiddle with the working tab switch.

This fiddle is not working on my system but in case it works on an independent page, you can add a function containing clearInterval(tabCarousel); command to a mouseover event on a main tabs wrapper element.

here is a working example of it..I still cannot get the event to stop on mouseover...Click Here

here is what i tried:


                              alert('timer stopped');
                                  timer = setInterval( tabCarousel, 5000);
                                  alert('timer started');

Ok, so i got it to stop(clear the interVal) but now on mouseout i need it to start back up. I tried this:

$(function() {
var tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
    var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-tabs > li'),
        active = tabs.filter('.active'),
        next = active.next('li'),
        toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

}, 5000);
//start on hover function
$('#tab-carousel > div').hover(function(){
$('#tab-carousel > div').mouseout(function(){
            });//end hover
});//end function

I fixed it!

$(function() {
var tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
        var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-pills > li'),
            active = tabs.filter('.active'),
            next = active.next('li'),
            toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

    }, 5000);
    //start on hover function
$('#tab-carousel > div ').hover(
                    tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
        var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-pills > li'),
            active = tabs.filter('.active'),
            next = active.next('li'),
            toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

    }, 5000);
});//end function

'tabCarousel' variable points to the timer not to its argument.
You need a handle for the function in order to be able to call it ., a named function.

illustrating in JS (DOM 0):

function carousel() { 'function body'; }

var tabCarousel = setInterval( carousel, 5000 );

[tabsContainer].onmouseover = function() { clearInterval( tabCarousel );}
[tabsContainer].onmouseout = function() { tabCarousel = setInterval( carousel, 5000 );}
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