please help ..the date format in my datase is Y-m-d.. now i want to search by in my textbox i need only to type
data in the database: 2014-06-19

in the textbox search i will only type EITHER of the following : 06-19-2014 OR 06192014 (without the - and format is change)

here is the part of my code:

            $searchString =date("Y-m-d", strtotime($searchString));

            $query = "SELECT *
                        FROM po
                        WHERE (date = '$searchString') || (date LIKE '%$searchString%')";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
             echo "<table border=1 style='border-collapse: collapse' width=95%>";
             echo "<tr class='tableheader'> 
             while ($records =  mysql_fetch_array($result)){
                    $poDateRetrieved = $records['date'];
                    $poDate=date("m-d-Y", strtotime($poDateRetrieved));

                   echo "<tr> 
                     <td><a href=purchaseOrder.php?page=23?&poNo={$records['poNo']}>[UPDATE]</td>
                     <td><a href=purchaseOrder.php?page=24?&poNo={$records['poNo']}>[DELETE]</td>
                echo "</table>";
$query = "SELECT *  FROM po
         wHERE (date = str_to_date({$searchString},'%m-%d-%Y') || date like str_to_date ({$searchstring},'%m-%d-%Y)) ";

what if you type something wrong by mistake?
shouldn't you use the form <input type="date"> field? that way you can select the date

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