I have a form that asks the user to enter in an exam id that they want to delete from the exam table in the DB.

The problem I am having is that even if the user enters in an id that does not match in the DB the script fires the else block completely ignoring the condition.

I may have implemented this wrong but as far as I am aware of i cannot see where I am wrong but I suspect that there is something I have done wrong in my if statment.

Here is my form that requires the user to enter an exam id for deletion

<form method = "post" action = "examDeleted.php">
    <h1 class = "title">Delete Exam</h1>
    <div class = "formContent">
        <labeL for = "id">ID</labeL>
        <input type = text name = "id" class = "input">
        <input type = "submit" value = "Delete">

This is passed to the function that contains the sql query to delete the record from the table

$id = trim($_POST['id']);

if($id != "")
    $delete = "DELETE FROM exams WHERE id = '$id'";
    $results = mysql_query($delete);

        die ("Cannot delete data from the database! " + mysql_error());
        echo '<br><br>';
        echo '<a href="home.html">Return</a>';
        echo"Exam: $id has been deleted";
    echo "No data entered! " . mysql_error();


As you can see the condition !$results, to me it is saying if the record does not exist then kill the query else confirm the deletion. Is there an obvious reason why the inner if statment dosent get fired?

Hi, dont' use + to concatenate strings like in javascript, use dots:

die ("Cannot delete data from the database! " . mysql_error());
commented: this is an up vote to make down vote disappear. +9

for security reasons you should check if your id post is numeric.

if( is_numeric($id) )

This will only allow numeric values to hit your database query.

Also, use mysql_affected_rows() to check if your query has ran.

if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){
    //Run Success Notice
    //Run Failed Notice

To the downvoter, please explain me why.

Reading this:

As you can see the condition !$results, to me it is saying if the record does not exist then kill the query else confirm the deletion. Is there an obvious reason why the inner if statment dosent get fired?

I understand that this:

    die ("Cannot delete data from the database! " + mysql_error());
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo '<a href="home.html">Return</a>';

Doesn't return anything and the reason is the + sign, example:

$a = 'hello';
$b = 'world';

echo $a + $b;

Returns blank, with var_dump() returns int(0), if you write:

die($a + $b);

It will still return blank, unless $a and $b are integers or numbers enclosed by quotes:

$a = '1'; # $a = 1;
$b = '2'; # $b = 2;

If I'm missing something, please explain. Bye :)


I don't understand why you get a down vote for it though. It must be a C++ pride or something. I will give you an up vote to reflect 0 vote :).

commented: possible, thanks :) +13

If the if($id != ""), try !== instead of != - this is one of the subtle issues that trip up a lot of PHP programmers. See the PHP online documentation about this.

Member Avatar for diafol

A few other pointers that may prevent you having to come back...

$id = trim($_POST['id']);

Suggests that $_POST['id'] is always set. You should make provisions for when this is not true as in direct access via url or curl or form spoofing. Place a redirect as a condition for this case...

    //check for integer - but be careful which function(s) you use, e.g.
    //do you want to accept a string (e.g. itneer with a trailing space)
    //if conditions met...

    include('dbLogin.php'); //no need to include it outside the conditional blocks if it's not being used outside the conditional blocks 

    //redirect safely

In addition, you seem to be happy that an user can delete any record from the DB, whether that record "belongs" to them or not...

DELETE FROM exams WHERE id = '$id'

Ideally you'd have a session "userid" that would be passed to the query...

DELETE FROM exams WHERE id = '$id' AND user_id = '$userid'

Based on the number of affected rows (result), you'd return true or false to the user.

It should be noted that you are using mysql_* functions. Please consider using mysqli or PDO and the prepared statement object...e.g.

$stmt = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM exams WHERE id = ':id' AND user_id = ':userid'");

And then bind the parameters accordingly.

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