This problem has been bugging me for days now, basically everytime i click a radio button in the alert box it only selects saab so it would say ' the vehicle you selected was saab' if i clicked on the others it still would say the same thing.

Any help would be apperciated

var myForm = document.getElementById('myForm');
var output = document.getElementById('output');
var qty = document.getElementById('qty');
var Price = document.getElementById('price');

// Validation Errors
var errors = [];

// Which item is chosen?
var chosen = 0;
var chosen1 =0;

// Define the price & name of the items we're selling

var items = ['Saab', 'Ford Galaxy' , 'Lexus is200'];
var mpg = ['66' , '51' , '45' ];
var handleSubmit = function(e){
    // Prevent Form Submitting
        var item = items[chosen];
                var mpgs = mpg[chosen1];

        output.innerHTML =alert ('The vehicle type is'  + item + '');
        output.innerHTML =alert( + (qty.value / mpgs)+ 'Gallons' +(qty.value/mpgs*4.55)+'litres Cost:' +(qty.value/mpgs*4.55*price.value)+'');
        output.innerHTML = 'Error:<br>- ' + errors.join('<br>- ');

// Check if a radio button is checked or not & set the chosen item
var isChecked = function(){
    var checked = false
    var radios = document.getElementsByClassName('radio');
    for(var i = 0; i <  radios.length; i++){
            checked = true;
            chosen = radios[i].value;
    return checked; 

// Check if the form validates
var validateForm = function(){
    // Make sure you clear the previous errors
    errors = [];
    var valid = true;

    if(qty.value == ''){
        valid = false;
        errors.push('Ensure a quantity has been entered.');

        valid = false;
        errors.push('Ensure the quantity is a number value');

if(Price.value == ''){
        valid = false;
        errors.push('Ensure you have entered the price of the petrol.');

    return valid;

myForm.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit);

From the code you posted isChecked() is never called and so chosen never changes from 0, hence item always equals items[0].

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