
I have a 'thank you for registering' page (success.aspx) for new users who have completed a 'new user registration form' and wish to use some CSS to make it more attractive.

I intend to use these fonts, if possible, as follows:


<style type="test/css media="screen, projection">

@font-face { 
  font-family: Droid Sans; 
    src: url('../fonts/DroidSans-webfont.eot'); 
    src: local("Droid Sans"), url('../fonts/DroidSans-webfont.woff'); 

@font-face { 
  font-family: Jenna Sue; 
    src: url('../fonts/JennaSue-webfont.eot'); 
    src: local("Jenna Sue"), url('../fonts/JennaSue-webfont.ttf'); 



p {

font-family:'Jenna Sue',arial,sans-serif;


Would I just insert the <style> in the head tags of my success.aspx file as I would with an HTML file?


Yes you can include HTML markup including referenced to style sheets and javascript in your aspx pages. Your aspx pages will render pure HTML markup.

Thanks for that, JorgeM!

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