The following codes can be found in my javascript file (code.js):

        function addBranch(path, id){

            //Click "Cancel" button return to Restaurant Manager Page
                window.location.href = path + '/branch_manager.php?id=' + id

The following codes can be found in my php file (test.php):

        <script src="<?php echo APP_WEB_PATH; ?>/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="js/code.js"></script>
            $(document).ready( addBranch('<?php echo APP_WEB_PATH ?>','<?php echo $_GET['id'] ?>') );
        <input type="button" value="Cancel" name="btCancel">

When I attempt to click on the cancel button there is no action. Did I miss something? Your help is kindly appreciated.

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Check the browser console for an error. Bit confused as to why the event script is inside the function.

You can store the path inside a variable.


$qs = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? '?id=' . $_GET['id'] : '';


var path = <?=APP_WEB_PATH?>;
var qs = '<?=$qs?>';

    window.location.href = path + '/branch_manager.php' + qs;

But that's horrible (mixing php/js)

var path = <?=APP_WEB_PATH?>; Is this a PHP code? Nope. I understand :)

It doesn't work. When I click on the cancel button there is no action. Also the

var qs = '<?=$qs?>';

cannot be obtained in the JS file.

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