Hi everyone, am trying to display current date/today's date in php but the output is as below.
Please advise. Thanks.

$Currentdate2 = date('d-m-y');
echo $Currentdate2;

Current date: 2027-10-15

The output is 27-10-15, which is exactly what you've requested (day - month - year).
What date format where you trying to get?

Hi, thanks for your reply. The output date 2027-10-15,it is not 27-10-15. Please advise. Thanks.

What does this return for you?

$Currentdate2 = date('D-m-y');
echo $Currentdate2;

Hi, it echoed Tue-10-15. Please advise. Thanks.

There is nothing in PHP's date function that will return a day with '20' prepended to the front of it, so it must be something outside of that.

Try this


That will return an array with date information, it should show 'mday' as 27.

Hi, please find the output for the getdate() above :

Array ( [seconds] => 53 [minutes] => 4 [hours] => 8 [mday] => 27 [wday] => 2 [mon] => 10 [year] => 2015 [yday] => 299 [weekday] => Tuesday [month] => October [0] => 1445933093 )

Appreciate for your advise. Thanks.

Hi, here's the code:

 date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Bangkok"); // set your timezone.
echo date("d-m-y");

Here's a list of timezones you can set: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php

Hi, have tried that to set the timezone but it still echo 2027-10-15. Wonder what's the problem. Thanks.

Hi, sure there is no % in front of 20?

Can you show us more details of the script in which you create the date? Have you tried the above in a separated script: a simple <?php echo date('d-m-Y'); ?> file, in this case do you get the same results?

As pixelsoul and cereal wrote the "20" in front isn't coming from that part of the code. It comes either from a part above or by html . Follow cereal advice to create a file just printing the result of the date(“d-m-Y”) and then return in your code printing a break line <br/> above printing your variable. There you will see that this isn't from this part of the code. A debugging tool could help you , but if you don't like them for some reason you must learn to debug even with var_dump or so.

Hi everyone, when i tried to put the current date in a separate file, the date is correct 28-10-15. But when i tried the coding in the form as below, it still display 2028-10-15. Appreciate for your advise. Thanks.

       <form name="progress" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
        error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
        $cn=mysql_connect("localhost","user","") or die(mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db("pq",$cn) or die(mysql_error());

        date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Bangkok"); // set your timezone.
        $Currentdate2 = date('d-m-y');

        date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Bangkok"); // set your timezone.
        $Currentdate2 = date('d-m-y');

        $sql=mysql_query("Update improvement_plan set Currentdate2='$Currentdate2' where Progressid='".$Progressid."'");
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
            <table width="850" border="1">
              <tr align="center">
               <th width="70" scope="col">Ipid</th>   
                <th width="144" scope="col">Date</th>  
            <input type="submit" name="Notify2" value="Notify"/> 

            $disable = '';
            $i = 0;
            $d = 0; 

        $con = mysql_connect("localhost","user","");
        if (!$con)
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db("pq", $con);    

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM improvement_plan where  Progressid='".$Progressid."'";
        $res_list = mysql_query($sql);

        while($row_list = mysql_fetch_array($res_list)){
         //   $i++;     
                 <td align="center"><div name="Ipid" id="Ipid<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php if($row_list['Ipid'] != '0000-00-00'){ echo ($row_list['Ipid']); }else{ echo '-'; } ?></div></td>
                 <td align="center"><div name="Currentdate2" id="Currentdate2<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php if($row_list['Currentdate2'] != '00-00-00'){ echo ($row_list['Currentdate2']); }else{ echo '-'; } ?></div></td>  
                 <td align="center"><div name="Progressid" id="Progressid<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php if($row_list['Progressid'] != '0000-00-00'){ echo ($row_list['Progressid']); }else{ echo '-'; } ?></div></td> 
        if($i == 0){
            <tr><td colspan="7">No data.</td></tr> 
           $disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
        if($row['Status2'] == 'buka'){ }
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WHat form are you talking about? There is no form, just a few divs.
You are using deprecated mysql_* functions - use PDO/mysqli.
This way of coding is going to end in tears - all the mish-mashing of PHP and HTML - try to separate these out as far as possible. THis is not maintainable.

Where is $Ipid=$row['Ipid']; coming from? $row doesn't exist - or are you not showing your code?

You never mentioned in your previous posts that you were storing this data in a DB and then pulling it out again. DB tables DATE datatype is YYYY-MM-DD, so if you tried to store 28-10-15 it would think you were talking about 2028-10-15, NOT 28-10-2015.

ALways use UNIX format dates, so:

$Currentdate2 = date('Y-m-d');

Store the dates like these and you can reformat them to display in a HTML table.

commented: That's it. +6
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